Month: August 2023

Oakland gives useless advice in the middle of a crisis

I am very much enjoying the CB Strike series by Robert Galbraith (aka J.K. Rowling), the books not the TV show.

It’s a series about a private detective in London.

Despite all the dangers they run into with murders and psychopaths, all Strike and his partner Robin can carry to protect themselves is rape alarms.

Those alarms are a useless as you can imagine they are.

Oakland,  California is suffering a huge crime wave due to Progressive policies and a lack of policing.

They are giving their citizens the same useless self defense advice as the British government.

Air horns and moving trucks: How Oakland, California, residents are facing a surge in crime

After 60-year-old retiree David Schneider was shot and killed here while trimming a tree in his yard, his neighbor, Toni Bird, said she retreated indoors.

“People aren’t feeling safe out of their house,” she said. “It makes sense that you would want to protect your house then, right? You would barricade it.”

Amid a surge in crime in Oakland, California, police have advised residents to use air horns to alert neighbors to intruders and add security bars to their doors and windows.

Bird, who moved to Oakland 2 1/2 years ago, said she took their advice to heart. She now has three air horns and five security cameras around her home.

“The types of crime that we’re seeing feel much more violent and the consequences feel much more severe,” she said. “And it feels like the people that are being targeted are people who are vulnerable.”

The cowboys said: “God created all men, Sam Colt made them equal.”

Not a stadium air horn but a 45 caliber revolver.  That made men equal.

If the most vulnerable are under attack, what they need is an equalizer, not a can of tinnitus.

What useless fucking bullshit.

This is an actual captioned photo from that article:

The other day I posted video of a woman in California who was attacked and her her bike stolen, and was crying for help as people stood around and ignored her.

What the fuck will an airhorn do?  What neighbors will run to her defense?

If you fight back with an airhorn, you’ll only die with ringing in your ears.

This is post Bruen.

Californians need guns and concealed carry.

They get airhorns.



Be prepared to kill a kid, Pt. 3


A bunch of youth gang members with illegal full auto converted Glocks, showing their guns and flashing gang signs.

This kids are, or want to be, cold blooded killers.

The Left may believe that they are all just about to turn their lives around and go to church, but these kids will kill you just for the street cred.

Be prepared to defend yourself.

H/T Miguel

Enforcing the law against criminals does not work therefore we need Gun Control Laws.

In a push to deter criminals, the state in 2021 passed a law strengthening the penalty for stealing a gun from a misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of six months in jail.

The law was part of a legislative package that year that made Tennessee a permitless carry state, and it was added to appease concerns that allowing people to carry handguns without a permit could lead to more crime.

Gov. Bill Lee even included an extra $17 million in the state General Fund that fiscal year for an anticipated jump in incarceration rates.

But while the effort was meant to address crime and stiffen penalties, attorneys who spoke with The Tennessean said the new law actually makes the cases harder to prosecute.

To begin with, it’s a tough crime to prove.

Under the new penalty, defense attorneys have little bargaining room with the six month mandatory jail time and are less likely to settle a case.

As a result, most felony gun theft charges are dropped.

Tennessee stiffened the penalty for stealing a gun. Is the law working? (

But wait, this next quote is just beautiful:

But the dropped charges show how a law that was meant to bring change in reality does little once it hits the court system, said David Raybin, a longtime local criminal defense lawyer.

“The dynamic has changed because now the sanction is so severe on a mandatory minimum case that’s already very hard to prove,” he said. “It’s the same philosophy that if we make the penalties harder it’s going to end the crime, and that’s absurd.”

Got it? And now we go back to the usual suspects in the same article:

Earlier this year, Rep. Caleb Hemmer, D-Nashville, introduced a bill that would have made it a misdemeanor for gun owners to improperly store guns in a car or boat. As punishment, offenders would be required to enroll in a court-approved firearm safety course — a decidedly lighter penalty in a state that largely supports gun ownership.

“It’s disappointing and frustrating because there should be penalties,” he said. “But I’m resolute and ready to push forward with some common sense solutions for this epically bad problem in Tennessee.”

Laws do not work for the criminals, so they are useless, but laws penalizing gun owners need to be passed so we can solve the problem. You have to love the way they ignore the contradiction.

And one more time: Secure you effing guns.





Andrew Teter V Anne e. Lopez (9th Cir.)

B.L.U.F.Brick by Brick, Row by Row, we build our freedoms.

The 9th Circuit court of Appeals got it right. What does it mean? What did the state attempt? How did the court opine?

In April 2019, another legal battle began. A long shot case that the plaintiffs knew would drag out for years if they made any progress, or they would be shutdown almost immediately.

Under the Second Amendment, Defendants retain the ability presumptively to regulate the manner of carrying arms and may prohibit certain arms in narrowly defined sensitive places, prohibit the carrying of arms that are not within the scope of Second Amendment’s protection such as unusually dangerous arms, and disqualify specific, particularly dangerous individuals from carrying arms. See Heller, 554 U.S. at 627.
Teter v. Connors, No. 1:19-cv-00183, slip op. ¶ 11 (District Court, D. Hawaii)

This is from the good guys. In the original complaint, they are giving the state the presumption of the power to regulate. They also give the state the power to regulate “unusually dangerous arms”. This is not what Heller said, and we know this because the Bruen court made it absolutely clear that it is dangerous and unusual. If the arm is in common use, it is not unusual, and it cannot be banned.

This was Bruen quoting and explaining Heller

This is the equivalent of watching the puppy cower when their owner comes home. They try so hard to be good, but they fear being smacked again. Or maybe the battered spouse is a better analogy.
Read More

Threats against the President are not covered by the First Amendment.

And it is against the law as per 18 U.S. Code § 871  to boot.

And while other administrations may simply pay you a visit ahead of time and strongly recommend you stay at home while POTUS is in the area, other politicos will have no problems creating a deadly force confrontation even if you are a fat 75-year-old man.

Who was Craig Robertson? Utah man killed by FBI agents after allegedly making threats against President Biden | Fox News




Be prepared to kill a kid, Pt. 2

This is from about 30 seconds on Google.

Boy, 13, charged with carjacking woman at Chicago gas station

13-year-old boy arrested in fatal attempted carjacking of St. Louis mom

Battle Creek Police: 13 & 14-year-old boys charged with homicide, carjacking in death of high school student

15-year-old boys arrested in ‘random, senseless murder’ in Loveland

Boys, 12 and 17, charged in murders of 3 teens in Marion County; 16-year-old sought


You get the point.

Anyone, of any age, that points a loaded gun at you isn’t your friend.

You can be killed by a kid as easily as an adult.

You need to be prepared to do what has to be done to survive a violent encounter.

If I’m alive, I can Go Fund Me the best defense lawyers in the country.

If I’m dead, who will make my children French toast in the morning?