Do Trumpers want to lose?
I was a DeSantis supporter.
I never had one Trump supporter ask me why I supported DeSantis over Trump, but I’ll tell you.
I think DeSantis had a better track record of conservative victories in Florida than Trump did as president.
DeSantis had a better response to COVID.
DeSantis had a better fiscal policy than Trunp did. Trump spent almost $2 trillion on the CARES Act, paying people to stay home during COVID.
Trump said a lot, but DeSantis did a lot, and I value that.
On a more subjective level, I just didn’t like how Trump behaved. I was disgusted by the Little Marco and DeSanctimonious nicknames. I don’t like the petty insults. I think it’s childish.
I was disgusted by the DeSantis wears heels or shoe lifts conspiracy theory. It was reminiscent of the Trump hands thing from 2016. It was a near literal duck measuring contest. That’s not how a president should be picked.
Lastly, I didn’t like his habit of criticizing former staffers and anyone he didn’t think was sufficiently personally obsequious to him as disloyal. It’s bad behavior for a boss to publicly castigate a subordinate. And it reminded me of the Soviet trait of leaders who failed blaming their failures on traitors and having their nearest subordinates shot for treason.
Miguel pointed something out to me, that I agree with.
J Edgar Hoover had this thing of taking on any agent or friend who was getting more fame than he did. Many good agents like Purvis were suddenly sent to shitty posts for doing stuff that made them Press darlings.
Trump is equally petty with the people on his own side and even those who supported him.
With DeSantis dropping out, Trump is going to be the nominee.
What worries me, legitimately worries me, is what Trunp is going to do as president.
He has run on a campaign of retribution.
But, if you look at what he said, it seems that he’s more interested in getting retribution against Republicans who he thinks were disloyal to him than getting retribution against democrats.
I’m worried that President Trump 2.0 will go on a rampage of personal vendetta against Republicans and cause so much chaos that nothing gets done and 2028 gets handed to the Democrats on a platter.
There is precedent for my believing this. Look at what Trump’s biggest supporter in Congress, Matt Gaetz, did in the House to McCarthy.
Now add in the fact that “disloyal” and “traitor” are was Trumo and his supporters call DeSantis and his supporters.
I would hope to see Trump supports have magnanimity in their victory, but that didn’t happen.
The overwhelming social media has been mockery, humiliation, and belittling.
When you ask for unity, they attack.
Then they get you with the emotional blackmail, “What else are you going to do, vote for Biden? Let Biden win?”
Usually, it’s both. Mockery and emotional blackmail.
I’m a human being with dignity.
I should want to vote against Biden.
I want to vote against Biden.
I do not want to be humiliated into giving up my dignity by voting for Trump while Trump supporters shit on me for being a loser and a traitor who supported a loser and a traitor.
That is struggle session type bullshit.
When you point that out, they tell you that they don’t want or need your vote.
Do these people have any idea how elections work?
I know many people who are so disgusted with the Toxicity of Trump and his supporters they will stay home on election day.
I’ve seen that sentiment repeated many, many times on social media.
I will go to vote for Trump with alacrity once I hear:
“DeSantis supporters, we’re sorry about the nasty nicknames. We’re sorry about the shoe lift bullshit. We’re sorry about calling you disloyal RINOs. What we did was wrong. Let’s unite against Biden.”
But they can’t do that.
All thru can do is double down on their derision.
And you know what?
I’m not about to give up my dignity and self respect for any politician.
And of your argument is, “so you’ll let Biden win,” that falls on deaf ears. If you can’t win without emotional blackmail, you don’t deserve to win.
So let me ask, do Trumpers want to lose?
Because right now they are doing their damnedest to make sure every DeSantis and Halley supporter just says home on election day.