Month: February 2024

Chicago stops using Shotspotter.

The subsequent comments go down the road of “maybe they target certain groups for a reason” but I am going to go with a different idea. Shotspotter has been iffy at best and in some locations, downright useless. I have covered before about cities implementing and then dropping it because the promise of crime solving was never materialized.

I am thinking that the Mayor has a budgetary crisis (Open Borders?) and needs to scrounge money from somewhere fast. The Race Card was played to distract from the announcement and criticism that he was going soft on crime.


The only ones professional enough


At least he had the decency to turn in his badge.

Cop resigns after mistaking falling acorn for gunshot, firing at unarmed suspect cuffed in patrol car

A Florida cop resigned after opening fire on an unarmed black man who was handcuffed in his patrol car — because he confused the sound of an acorn hitting the vehicle with a muffled gunshot.

Sgt. Beth Roberts, who also opened fire, was exonerated in an internal investigation and remained on the job, according to police.

The deputies had responded to a complaint from Jackson’s girlfriend, who alleged that the man had committed grand theft auto, threatened her and was in possession of multiple firearms and a silencer, according to police.

When Hernandez approached the right rear door to search the suspect again, he apparently mistook the sound of an acorn hitting the car for a gunshot and quickly reacted with potentially deadly force.

That dude had one too many energy drinks during his shift.

Just remember, that as an untrained civilian, you can’t be expected to keep a level head and not turn every misunderstanding into a shootout.  That’s why only cops should carry guns in public.

I wonder when one Catholic Church will be attacked.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the entity that runs the Catholic Church in the US. They are notoriously anti-gun and support as much as they can all prohibitions to carry in houses of prayer. Add to that that there are very few churches that are not attached to a Catholic school and what you have a is a vast network of Gun Free Zones waving the Vatican flag.

So, I do indeed wonder when some nutjob with the desire of getting a body count or claim justice for some faux-oppressed group or just plainly some anti-papist Kukler will decide to use Sunday Mass as target practice.

I wish I could go to Mass more than once or twice a year but fuck if I am going to risk my life because some purple cassocked assholes in Washington D.C. say I can’t carry inside a church.

An antisemitic video that scares me


As a Florida boy, I am familiar with Hatian machete fencing. It’s known as tire machete, which is Hatian-French creole for “pulling machetes.”

Hatian machetes are a type of machete often called Latin machetes. They are designed to cut sugar cane. Sugar cane is very tough, most similar to bamboo shoots.

A short Latin machete will easily take of an arm with a single blow.

I’m terrified of machete attacks.

People don’t generally survive them, and if they do, they end up with multiple prosthesis.

If someone challenges you with a machete, you pull a gun and you put bullets in them as fast as you can until they stop moving. That is the only way to walk away from a machete fight.

At least in Florida, you can carry a gun. This is Maryland, where getting a carry permit is still difficult as hell.

Everyday, I come down more and more on Constitutional Carry became watching people practice a Hatian or Rwandan style mass murder of Jews, no Jew (or anyone else) should have to wait for months to get a carry permit.

Terminal Ballistics – Slight Update

Update: I was not clear on my emotions when I wrote this. Then I had to ask Hagar for the right words.

It is not that I feel remorse over harvesting that deer. It was done ethically. Nothing was wasted. It is that I feel the immensity of the life I took. I need to honor it.

I hope that helps clarify.

I’ve waited a bit before writing about this.

Earlier this season, I was able to harvest a deer. I’m not a great hunter, I just do my best.

The first deer I harvested was taken at about 500 yards with a 7.62×51 through a Remington 700. My hold point was about 8 inches over the deer’s spine. The round was a good shot. The deer stood there for a moment, then with the rest of its group bounded into the tree line.

I hiked out there, lugging that rifle. Three times I was about to give up when I finally spotted the blood trail. I followed it into the woods, found the deer. We used every bit of the meet of that deer.

This time was a little different. The shot was at about 50 yards. I was using a 30-30 out of a Winchester Model ’94. A 75-year-old rifle.

We talk about how a round performs into jugs of water. We talk about how rounds work in ballistic gelatin. We even use “meat targets” if we can afford them.

All of these are simulations. The only way to know is to see how it actually performs.

In this case, it performed amazingly well. The round entered between ribs a little higher than I wanted. It then traveled through the interior, tearing up everything except the meat.

The buck took one step forward and its left front leg gave out. It fell the rest of the way to the ground with a short scream. Its smarter brother had already taken off. Stopping at the 75-yard range.

By the time I got to the buck, it was dead. Almost no blood outside the body.

When I field dressed it, the main cavity was full of blood. That round did a number. One shot, one kill, about 30 seconds.

When I got to that left front shoulder, I found that the scapula(?) was cracked. I believe that is why it stumbled. No signs of bullet damage there.

The load was 160gr Hornady FTX over 33gr of LeveRevolution. DON’T USE OR TRUST MY LOAD DATA!

Bacon wrapped backstrap steak for dinner tomorrow.

I’m going to do a product review on the Weston #32 meat grinder soon. Having that tool was one of the reasons I went hunting this year.

Oh, why the wait? Because I am an ethical person. I can still close my eyes and see the sight picture, feel the recoil, hear the round going off. I can still see the ejected casing flying off to my right as a chambered the follow-up, in case it was needed. I can still hear the cry it made.

It took a while to be able to write about taking a life. We wasted nothing. The hide is going to a good home. The bones are being used by people that create things the “old ways”.

Venezuelan Slang: Malandro.

Malandro: Crook, criminal, delinquent, bad egg, young thug.


When I saw the video, my brain immediately went “Hijo’e puta malandro!” And it was a reaction not from an specific thing he was doing, but from decades of dealing with the fucks like him.

I almost feel sorry for the people in NYC, almost. They have no idea what kind of snakes they have now among them. And they also have no idea how bad is going to get.


And check the waistband of the “rapper.”

I agree with Ben Crump on this one


Eboni Pouncy, identified as a friend of the apartment’s resident, sustained five gunshot wounds to her leg and torso during the incident.

Attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Pouncy, said the video is evidence of “unnecessary and excessive force.”

I’d agree completely.

Police should not be allowed to shoot through a barrier into a house or anything else.

Maybe, just maybe, I’d allow it if they were fired on through the barrier first.

These cops shot through blinds. How could they see what they were shooting at?

How did they identify the target?

They could have killed an entire family just spraying bullets through a curtain covered window.

Then there is this fact.

As an American citizen, I have an absolute right to walk around inside my house with a gun. A cop peeking in my window shouldn’t have the ability to blast my ass through the glass because he saw me with a gun in my own house.

This was utterly insane and dangerous.

This was a bad shoot and the cops should go to prison for it.