Month: April 2024

The need for hyper-violence against mid-level violence

At UCLA, pro-Hamas agitators have started preventing Jews from freely traversing campus.


Again, this is an example of mid-level violence.

These Hanasniks are intimidating Jewsish students.

They are using their bodies to block Jewish students from traveling where they are legally allowed to travel.

But, if the Jewish student takes a swung at one of them, it will be the Jewish student who gets in trouble for being violent.

The law should recognize that mid-level violence is violence, and that escalation should be legally protected.

If someone blocks you from traveling where you are allowed to travel, then knocking their fucking teeth out should be a legally justified action.

The current system let’s the people who engage on mid-level violence win, and that is morally abhorrent.


Defense of property


Usually I say this in regards to property theft, but I’ll say it now in regards to property destruction.

Lethal force should be legal in the defense of property.

When someone shows up and starts breaking windows with a hammer, as soon as that person catches a bullet, all the other hooligans will stop.

I guarantee it.



I would be calling 9-1-1


The fixed blade, the patches, the ungroomed beard, I refuse to believe this is a real sheriff’s deputy.

He looks to me like some jackass with delusions of grandeur who spent all his money at Galls.

I most certainly would be calling 9-1-1 and demanding to have a real cop shop up, because I’m expecting that I’m going to be shaken down.

If he is a real deputy, he and his sheriff need to be fired.

Ode to Mom

Friday was Mom’s wake. All the kids, all the grandkids, all the great-grandkids were there. Dad’s sister and cousins were there as well.

Dad had also invited many of Mom’s friends as well.

I had too many crying jags. Dad was tearing up all the time. I’m tearing up now.

I wish the liquor scattered over [her], Johnny Walker Blue.

On a more serious note:

Her Ego is beyond comprehension.

After reading Another AWFL willing to sacrifice her children for her politics – Gun Free Zone


She is indeed a mother of 2 unloved children. Why do I say that? Because she is more caring of her failed principles than the lives of her kids. In her own little confused mind, she believes that the killer would be satisfied with just killing her or maybe that he will see the error of his ways and spare the lives of her brood. But more than likely, the murderer would also take the kids either because he is a killer or because he does not want to leave witnesses behind, and you can only be imprisoned for life or executed once no matter how many bodies you leave behind.

If you must die confronting a killer to defend your child, you bring him with you to across the Styx and dump him into Hades.