Month: June 2024

The one where I agree with a Bidenist.

Bingo! I guess he did not realize he was just crapping all over the sainted holy relic of the Brady Firearms Background Checks.


Pretty much since it was signed, it became a shit show precisely because its violators were very rarely enforced. They still love to give you a mouthful about the millions of felons stopped by the background checks, but they develop a serious case of amnesic ignorance when it comes to the supposedly obligatory prosecution for violating this law.

The Brady Law was never about controlling gun access to criminals but to harass and collect law abiding citizen’s information.

It was fun to watch for a while a DOJ actually prosecuting a gun case rather than giving guns to Mexican Cartels and other enemies of the country.

Here is to you, Mr. AirBud Concept Designer.

“So you made a very expensive pair of audio ear devices that sound good, are wireless but can be lost easily?”
“Yes, and provided we only sell them by the pair, we got us ourselves a mint.”
“You are an evil genius. Expect big juicy bonus at the end of the year.” 

Seen at my local gym.

I like the wireless comfort, but I know me, and I know (and probably most shooters know) that if the thing is not tied and anchored, it is going to be lost soon enough.  So far, I have managed not to lose these after 3 years and they sound pretty decent.




So let’s talk about slavery. It’s that thing no one actually wants to discuss, teach, learn from, or admit exists. It’s not nearly as caught up in skin color or religion as people might think. And in every form, it’s wrong.

They taught our kids about slavery in school. They discussed how horrible slave owners were, how the inevitably white people owned the poor, uneducated blacks and abused them. They went over how Lincoln freed the slaves, without ever actually explaining how that could have happened (largely because it didn’t, but whatever… that’s outside the scope of this article). There was a lot of information about the bad treatment of slaves in America. All of the this is very clear, black and white, with no wiggle room.

When they were going through that lesson, I talked to our kids about it. I asked them a lot of questions, like…

  • Were all slave owners bad?
  • Did all slave owners want to be slave owners (and/or bad)?
  • Were all slave owners white?
  • Were all slaves black?

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This is anti-Zionism


The AOCs and Ilhan Omars of the Democrats will swear on a stack of Handmaid’s Tale books that this is not antisemitic, just criticism of Israeli apartheid.

I, on the other hand, am going to buy another gun and more ammo.

Beware deceptively edited video

This video has gone viral.


If that is all you see, than you probably want Jonathan Kaye fired, arrested, and his life ruined.

The problem is, that video only shows half the story.

The New York Post tells the rest of the story.

Millionaire Jonathan Kaye had clashed with members of an anti-Israel LGBTQ group before he shockingly laid out the woman, a source close to Kaye with knowledge of the situation said Monday – as his Park Slope neighbors described him as a rude, antisocial curmudgeon.

“They were marching, they had a flag, and Jonathan simply said something along the lines of, ‘you guys are on the wrong side,’” the source told The Post.

“From there about four people from the group came up to him, they circled him and threw red liquid on him,” the source claimed. “He tried to back away, but he was either chest-bumped or fell to the ground, smashing his knee and slicing his leg.”

The source claimed that he got up and used only the amount of force that was necessary “to get out of there,” noting that Kaye has no history of violence and no criminal record.

Despite the NYPost trying to paint this guy as an awful person, it seems that he was in the right.

He told a bunch if Queers for Palestine that they were wrong. That’s perfectly legal.

They surrounded him, assaulted him, dumped and unknown substance on him.

He punched a tranny in the face to get away.

He was the victim.

Except, this is Pride month, and trannys and Hsmasniks are the new exalted classes, so he got fired and his life if being ruined.

I hope that he sues the piss out of everyone, because self-defense against a bunch of terrorist loving queers isn’t a crime.

An armed society is a polite society

After the IDF successfully rescued four Israeli hostages on Saturday  Hamasniks in the west had a temperature tantrum and started mass intimidation of Jews.

Toronto, Canada:


New York City:


Washington DC:


What is it that these places have in common?

It’s almost impossible for a law abiding citizen to get a gun, and more importantly, a gun with the features that are most useful for self-defense against a mob, i.e., an assault rifle and/or high capacity magazines.

These are places where the police have been rendered impotent by politicians and law abiding Jews can’t protect themselves.

These Hamasniks know that they can intimidate and threaten Jews to their heart’s content, with no threat to themselves.

They are no different than the Klansmen who intimidated blacks after passing gun control that stopped blacks from owning guns.

When potential victims of intimidation are armed, shit like this doesn’t happen.