Good Ole Josh is having another of his TDS seizures.

Poor bastard. Must suck to live with so much hate inside.

The Left, having abused the “Death to The NRA” returns to their favorite dead pool nominee. Senator Kamala Harris had also made a joke earlier today about the death of President Trump in the Helen Show.

If I were the Secret service, I’d be worried about the crazy asshole who is right now alone in his apartment getting the idea that killing POTUS not only is OK but that he will be celebrated for his assassination.

As Michael Bane smarty has said: “They are chumming the waters.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Joss Whedon ‏whishing death to POTUS. (OK, this one works)”
  1. I’ve tried to figure out what the left thinks Trump has done that qualifies him for their hatred, but other than defeat Hillary, I can’t think of a thing.

    (I know what he did that ticks off the GOPe — he defeated their chosen shills.)

    1. He isn’t a Democrat. Remember Bushhitler, and a dozen other slurs against W? Reagan the War Monger and worse?

      The idiots could have reached out to PDT, and convinced him to pass and implement many of their Democrat goals, all in the name of Deals and MAGA. Ivanka and Jared were a ready made conduit directly into the Oval Office.

      Fortunately for the Nation, the Uniparty idiots in the Democrat Party and the Republican Establishment let their blind HATE overcome their intelligence. After President Trump was repeatedly slapped in the face by these doctrinaire morons by Thanksgiving 2016, PDT fell back on the support of those deplorables that elected him.

      They will always hate him. He is not one of them, and his success rubs their faces in that fact every day. They (both Democrat and GOP Establishment) will do anything and everything to destroy him and those that support him. Just ask General Flynn, and Paul Manafort.

  2. Lowest unemployment in 44 years. Highest black and hispanic employment in multiple years, higher than bammy. Tax cut for everyone. Way over 1percent GDP. What has Trump done? He has (in 1 year) taken away the lefty dumacrats base. He has shown us how ugly and spoiled the left is. Look at fake news, all the dems caught in sexual scandal, acid hatered every where. Except America is waking up. I just dont want to see dems win anything anymore. We the People need to keep up the fight so they dont take over mid terms. Pelosi has already said they will take away tax cuts and impeach. And you will see systematic wreckage of our Constitution. Stay hard.

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