The good news:

TALLAHASSEE — Republicans appeared set Tuesday night to retain, maybe even grow, their majority in the state Senate as lawmakers head toward two years of grappling with a coronavirus-damaged budget and redrawing political boundaries.

Republicans maintain control of Florida Senate

And then the VERY good news:

Florida House Democrats were hammered on Election Day, losing three incumbents, two open seats, and a handful of races for what they thought were flippable Republican House districts. Republicans now lead the chamber 78-42.

Florida House Democrats give up 2018 gains — and any hope of influence

And to end up with a bow and cherry on top. From the Miami Herald.

OK, still small numbers compared to Biden’s result:

It’s not precisely clear why Trump’s support ballooned in Florida’s largest primarily Black city. But the numbers tell their own story: Trump got 7,601 votes this year versus 43,138 for Biden, compared to 3,328 for Trump and 42,548 for Clinton in 2016.

Biden barely managed to get 590 more votes than Hillary. This is Trayon Martin’s all stomping grounds and a fierce democratic enclave that keeps re-electing Representative Lady Pimp, but somehow over 7 thousand voters decided to leave the Democrat Plantation.

Florida did all elections things right and I am not saying because it went full red.  Any accusation of voter suppression was just previous to the election and for political show rather than reality. Mail In is still suspicious with the extra million Democrat votes, but it was counted without issues  and so were the drop-offs during Early voting which also went smooth.  During election day, lines moved, if not fast, at least with ease. And we had a pretty damn good idea about the result of the election by 9:30 pm even though AP and the NYT would not give up and call it for Trump till way past Midnight and the realization there was no way somebody could find 400,000 votes to reverse the result in short notice. Sure as hell that many late-comer Mail In votes would not pass the smell test anywhere in the Sunshine State.

Two lessons I can see from Florida’s 2020 Electoral process. First: The hard work the Republicans have done getting the 67 county’s electoral boards in shape has paid off in confidence. Yes, there are more matters to correct, but we are not seeing the 2,000 clusterfuck but in archived memories.

The second lesson is: Aggressive Conservatives positions work! If there was a crush in the legislature, it was because people voted straight Republican because of Trump and his ways. None of this “compassionate conservatism” which hinted there were uncaring Republican assholes who wanted to see dead babies of color and poison the water while banging Mother Nature. Hispanics reacted to somebody who was not bullshitting them with promises of free shit but with pride and respect. And I hope the Florida Republicans also got the message that we Latinos like our Second Amendment and it is not just reserved for the fat crazy White guys that Morin loves to portray in the Miami Herald.

Let’s hopes the lessons are not lost for the next election.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “A bit of good news for Florida: The Legislature is still very Republican”
  1. Similar good news further north: both chambers of the NH legislature flipped to republican. (That assumes recounts for senate hold; the R majority is 2, but 3 flips are quite close.) Also, the R governor was re-elected with a 2 to 1 margin.

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