Too sexy? Showing too much skin? Twerking? Boozing? shooting up heroin? Nope.

knoxblog gun prom

It is a posed picture for the newspaper/blog. They did not carry them Evil Black Guns in school nor they went rob a bank or scare Shannon Watts. They were just having their pic taken with a couple of ARs, showing the proper gun safety and having a grand time. Hell, it looks she was the one having the best time!

But according to Reddit user FinickyPenance, Facebook found that the photo in question was “violating community standards” and Knoxblog got the usual Twisted Panties Brigade protests that the mother of the girls requested the pic be removed. Instead, Knoxblog cropped the pic to basic nothingness.

And as bad as I feel for the kids, the only thing that the Gun Control Twisted Panty Brigade managed to do is assure that at least 2 kids will see them for the petty jackasses that they are and remain firmly entrenched on the side of the Second Amendment.

PS: I can’t get over how much fun the young lady was having. I am willing to bet it was her idea….and you know her Dad was the picture taker.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “A controversial picture removed by Facebook and cropped by KnoxBlog”
  1. Yep, any of the earlier ones you mentioned would have been put up NO problem… sigh…

  2. Notice her dress and his vest are camo fabric? FTW!

    The future is in good hands.

  3. That is her WAR FACE! 🙂

    Damn I wish my past girlfriends were like that… one of them might have become wife.

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