Every engineer I know, regardless of what other domestic chores they do or do not do, is adamant they they load the dishwasher.

Every engineer I know has mentally determined the optimal layout for their dishwasher with their flatware.

When someone else loads the dishwasher differently than that optimized layout, it causes the engineer internal apoplectic fits.

Perhaps the only more seizure inducing thing for the non-engineer spouse/loved one to do to an engineer is not notice the new sound/vibration/shimmy/pull of the non-engineer’s vehicle before the engineer gets in and drives it.  That has destroyed marriages.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “A day in the life of an engineer”
  1. My wife is one of those that doesn’t notice and when I ask when did this happen it is always “a long time ago” or “I didn’t notice”

    She actually likes doing things like mowing the lawn. I can’t let her. She breaks things. Some how she didn’t notice when she lost or took out the side shoot.

    She didn’t notice when the deck packed with clippings until the mower stopped.

    It is constant.

    I love her dearly. An engineer she isn’t.

  2. “Perhaps the only more seizure inducing thing for the non-engineer spouse/loved one to do to an engineer is not notice the new sound/…”

    WRONG! 100% WRONG!!!

    The worst thing to do to an engineer is re-fold a map wrong. What’s so f-ing difficult annoy l about noticing the existing creases????

    1. Damn auto correct!

      “What’s so difficult about noticing the existing creases????”

      Not sure where that extra text came from.

    2. There’s some variation there, my father in law was an EE but I had to teach my wife how to fold a map.

  3. For me, it’s not so much optimal placement of dishes as safe treatment of slicey/pokey items. Is this a paring knife which I see before me, the blade toward my hand? Worse yet: sharp items lurking unseen beneath the suds of the dishpan.
    Sharps get washed separately, dagnabbit! And then dried and put safely away. That way, they don’t rust, don’t get their edges randomly banged against ceramic items, and don’t cut nor stab unwary hands.
    Though… it’s amazing how many bowls, spoons, and such get placed concave side up, enabling pessimal drainage. And how many kitchen-appliance parts are all concave sides, with no orientation that will drain properly. It’s almost like the designers of blenders, food processors, and the like have never washed dishes.

  4. I occasionally like to annoy my dad by humming the ‘Tetris’ theme when he’s loading the dishwasher (he’s one of those optimization types as well) 😀

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