By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “A day that will live in infamy, 80 years later.”
  1. I saw on the news that some of the people who were on duty that day at Pearl are going to the commemoration. That made me realize it won’t be too many more years before we see a news announcement “the last remaining WW2 veteran just died”.
    Last night’s Brett Baier “Special Report” had an item at the end showing a Navy Airman who was there, and who still (at age 99) goes to schools every year to talk about the events of that day. Amazing man, and it was good to see how well he was received by those young students.

  2. My dad was there. Just 17 years old, he was on a ship across the harbor from battleship row. He saw the whole thing. He said it was surreal. He was in the pacific for the whole war. Some very close calls, but he was not wounded. He passed away 20 years ago.

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