By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “A feature, not a bug.”
  1. Yes, this has been a goal of urban planners for many years…the problem is if you don’t live in an urban environment.

    My mom lives on a farm in Pennsylvania south of Pittsburgh. It’s a 20 minute drive for them to the nearest grocery store, doctor, pharmacy or pretty much any other commercial enterprise. There’s no public transit out there in the middle of nowhere. So when gas gets too expensive for them to make the trip, they just don’t unless their lives depend on it.

    City folks seem to think that their reality is the only reality and can’t fathom people making different choices than they do because their circumstances are different. Either that or they just don’t care. Probably a bit of both.

    1. Even in high density places like Holland what you just said is absolutely true. The left likes to point to Europe as the place where public transit (and especially their favorite toy, railroads) is “so successful”. In fact, that’s bunk. Those public transit systems cover only the high traffic corridors, and bus lines only serve the cities, with very limited service to the suburbs. Growing up in a near the city suburb (less than a half hour away by bicycle, which is how I got to school) I could in theory take the bus. Peak service was once per half hour, and the bus stop was a mile from my house. Oh yes, that line went to the city train station. So I might use that lovely public transit service once every year or two.

    2. So let all us rural folk, you know the one growing all the food, getting the gas, and all the other stuff that makes city living possible, just stop. Throw the switch. Barter and trade amongst ourselves. Watch the cities devolve.

  2. I got into a bit of a hissing match in 2013 with a reader on Marko Kloos’ blog over travel. I had observed the lack of transportation options in parts of France (Sarlat and the Dordogne), and was informed by the other commentor that moving around is a privilege, not a right, and that people don’t really need to go as many places as we do. I suspect that the individual is not from, oh, central Nebraska.

    1. “Moving around is a privilege” is a communist doctrine. You can see this from the fact they require paperwork (“internal passports”) as you attempt to go from point A to point B.
      Free people can move freely. Those who can’t move freely are called “prisoners” or “slaves”.

  3. I live in the suburbs. Barring the gas station / convenience store a half mile away, the nearest shopping area is five miles north of me, That suburban shopping area spread over a mile or two has everything, from lumber to three (four including a Fresh Thyme) different grocery stores, clothing stores, 12 various restaurants, specialty stores, movie theaters, even my doctor’s office. To get there, I have to take a bus all the way downtown, then transfer to another bus going out to the shopping area. Once I get there, I am going to have to walk everywhere about a mile total from shop to shop. How do you get to back to the bus stop with two bags of groceries, and twelve packs of beer and soda, and a case of bottled water?
    My two hour shopping trip is now 4-6 hours by bus, and I cannot even haul back 1/10 of what I can in my car.

    1. The urbanites dictator wannabe expects you to have your stuff delivered because that’s how,they do it. Like the idiot who declared kitchens obsolete because everyone eats takeout.

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