I am going to shamelessly rip off one of Miguel’s old posts.

In the last couple of days, we’ve heard a lot about defunding or disbanding the police.

In every instance, the alternative suggested by these radicals is some vague bromide about community and social services and being there for neighbors.

Three years ago, Miguel wrote a post “But if we educate them, they won’t rape.”

The evil in it has stuck in my mind ever since.

To quote the original article he pulled from:

Attempted rapist: ‘I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize’

Frank Yeager, of Bucks County, was originally convicted of attempted rape in 2013, the Morning Call reported. State police told the paper he fantasized about raping women.

He was convicted of planning a rape of a real estate agent who fit his mold of a “Paris Hilton” type. The agent managed to escape after refusing to go upstairs in a secluded model home.

Lehigh Valley Live reported Yeager’s diary and computer searches showed he was hell-bent on rape.

Yeager’s diary was filled with drawings and writings, detailing rape fantasies. He spent five months working on the plan, including putting together a list of more than 200 real estate agents.

“I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize,” one diary entry read. “If you are reading this I found a realtor woman and raped her. I have been planning and have wanted this my whole life.”

This person is a monster.  A vicious, evil, predator.

There is no amount of social services or community action that could or would have stopped him.

Only a police officer putting him in handcuffs and behind bars did that.

People like this exist.

The people who are diving the anti-police activism have seem to have this idea that every criminal is a victim.  If you just satisfy their needs and be their friend they will magically transform into a functioning member of society and won’t resort to criminality.

This is utopianism at best and gross naiveté at worst.

My only hope is that when the police are disbanded, the Frank Yeagers of this world will choose to indulge their evil apatites on the politicians who voted to disband the police and not innocent people.  However, I know that won’t be the case.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “A fly in the Utopian ointment”
  1. Liberalism exists in a “should be” world. People should be nice to each other, people should help their neighbors out. Necessities should be free, etc…etc… etc…

    Yet, reality always shows up and provides the educational smackdown these idiots so desperately deserve.

    The problem is the liberals drag everyone else down and ruin everything before they get that educational smackdown.

  2. What the utopian liberals believe is that, at their core, humans are good.
    That is emphatically not true. Some are just stupid or lazy. But the worst people are psychopaths. They are not the product of societal malfunction. They are BORN that way. 4%, approximately, of humans are born without something we never much think about. That quality is something we call a “conscience,” and these people don’t have a conscience.
    They have no capability to feel remorse.
    Again, they are not made, or molded, or taught to be evil. They are born that way.
    Many of them are able to fake it, to pretend like they are just like you or I. When given the chance, they would callously throw anyone under a bus.
    If they fake their way into a position of power, they become Hitlers, Idi Amin, Stalin, Mao,… or any one of the mass murderers in the past.
    This is what we call evil.
    This is why we have laws
    This is why we have police.
    This is why we will never have utopia.

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