Miguel’s post Are you enjoying the Inauguration Security Theater? reminded me of this article that I read and scoffed at.

National Guard at Capitol Authorized to Use Lethal Force in Aftermath of Mob

THE 20,000 NATIONAL Guard troops preparing for pro-Trump demonstrations this weekend in the nation’s capital will be armed and permitted to use lethal force, the headquarters overseeing them says, marking a striking escalation in the way authorities there are preparing for repeat violence after last week’s deadly mob.


Because, as Miguel pointed out, I haven’t seen one mag amongst the troops.

Not just not one mag in a gun, I haven’t seen one mag anywhere.

In most of the pictures I’ve seen, their body armor has no mag pouches, just bare MOLLE webbing.

A few have mag pouches but I don’t think they have mags in them.

I doubt that there is a single live round floating around the 20,000 – 30,000 National Guard troops in DC.

I would actually feel bad if shit did cook-off in DC, because those Guardsmen are going to be sitting ducks yelling “bang bang bang” like we ROTC kids doing infantry squad drills during our military science class on the campus quad.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “A follow up to Miguel’s post: Are you enjoying the Inauguration Security Theater?”
  1. Maybe paper plates….kinda fun to watch tho aint it?
    Gonna be funny when the only ones who show are blm/anti morons….

  2. Even if there was some kind of riot, the NG will not fire a shot.

    If you think Kent State was bad imagery for the US Government, imagine a firefight between the military and “unarmed” civilians doing nothing more than protesting. No commander alive would want that to be plastered across newspapers worldwide. (And do not think for a second there are not going to be reports from around the world in DC on Wednesday.)

  3. From this thread on Twitter:


    Biden’s transition team has revealed there is a very real fear that members of the national guard who support President Trump might kill Biden during the inauguration so they’ve asked commanders to confiscate all ammo and magazines from the soldiers.

    Biden’s transition team asked if it would be possible to determine which soldiers voted in GOP primaries or who have contributed to GOP candidates so commanders could station them away from the president-elect. The request was refused fueling their fear of attack.

    Biden’s fears started with his Secret Service detail, he had every agent on the White House detailed demoted as he worried about their loyalty to Trump. Democrats think that anyone who supports Trump is a very real threat.

    The Army has confirmed they’ve acquiesced to Biden’s demand for security screening for National Guard members who support President Trump.

    1. And every single solitary person that supported Trump in the army will not be in the army in two years. Every single solitary one will be discharged. They don’t want an army they want a democrat Schutzstaffel.

  4. I have two thoughts about this.

    First, IIRC, over a decade or two ago there was an assassination in the Middle East (Egypt?) by a soldier. The next time there was a military parade past a reviewing stand, the soldiers’ weapons were not only unloaded, the actions were removed.
    Perhaps some lib in Washington is worried that one of our soldiers will shoot a politician?

    Second, if things went south, and one or more soldiers/National Guard were beaten to death by the rioters, it would advance the liberal narrative that the right is dangerous. They would rather see soldiers murdered than rioters “martyred.”

  5. The next question is will they work to give the US Secret Service their own armored divisions, or will they start with a new, more “politically reliable” praetorian force?
    Of course, no Antifa need apply. Brownshirts and other radical elements are well and good until power is seized, then they get purged lest they get too uppity.

  6. Wasn’t it during the Clinton years that a parade on Pennsylvania Avenue which included an Army Honor Guard platoon had the bolts removed fom their ceremonial M-14s? I remember a picture of the unit during the parade which showed daylight through the mag well.

    Anyone know if the same thing was done during Republican adminstrations?

  7. Well to be faur: The reason that the German Honor Guard (Wachbataillon) uses non-functioning K89k rifles when greeting foreign Politicians is that both Secret Services and Mossad did not want to be the German soldiers greeting their Presidents armed 😀

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