IN researching my last post on Kamala Harris, I saw this Tweet in Harris’ feed.

Since it is ideologically tied to my previous post on Che, I decided to write about it.

Notice the Twitter name this Woman uses: Malena Fighting Tyranny & Concentration Camps.

What is she calling for?

Gun control on a massive scale.

She wants to fight tyranny and concentration camps by electing a politician who has promised to use executive orders to take away guns from tens of millions of law-abiding Americans.

The cognitive dissonance in that making my head spin.

I guess it’s not tyranny when they do it, and it’s not concentration camps when it’s Republican NRA members getting shoved into them.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “A glimpse at stupidity”
  1. “I guess it’s not tyranny when they do it, and it’s not concentration camps when it’s Republican NRA members getting shoved into them.”

    No, it isn’t.

    Because they are doing it for the greater good. They are doing it for fairness. They are committing inhumane criminal acts against basic human rights because they are tolerant, and they care.

    And, because they are in a position of power.

  2. When it comes to there rampant Jew hatred “it’s not a holocaust is the brown skinned Muslims (because there skin tone is not white and practice Islam so they are a protected class) do it with our full support”. Or there rampant extreme racism toward white people (especially white men): “It’s not racist if because they’re white and we’re doing it”.

    Just like my constantly bringing up there desire to exterminate gun owners and pretty much everyone that has any conservative leanings via nuclear holocaust “It’s not a mass extermination of hundreds of millions of people via nuclear weapons if we do it”.

    They don’t see there cognitive dissonance even if you point it out as they are mentally incapable of ever considering themselves mistaken about anything at all ever. To them they CANT have cognitive dissonance and everyone else is wrong. There acting and reacting like children is I would figure is a subconscious coping mechanism that not only are they are wrong to some degree but not taken seriously.

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