I found a few more relevant details.

From WKRN News:

Victims of random Nashville machete attack suffered ‘dozens of slashing, hacking wounds’

Six Metro officers rushed into the storage facility office to render aid to the Crafts, including James Hill.

“From my observations of the victims, they had sustained I would estimate dozens of slashing and hacking wounds to themselves and it did not appear to be a one-time attack,” Hill told News 2. “I believe it was sustained. It appeared to be sustained, based off the injuries I observed.”

“One of the things we’re taught in the academy is that individuals who suffer major hemorrhaging, especially from their arteries in their legs, they can potentially succumb to their injuries within a minute or two minutes,” he explained. “I think that maybe speaks to the resiliency of the victims, how much they wanted to make it out of that situation.”

This man butchered two innocent people in a prolonged attack, even after they were down on the ground after the initial attack.

The man also stated his motive.

Police said Edwards, who is homeless, told detectives he was angry over the COVID-19 shutdowns and his inability to get into the Nashville Rescue Mission.

Clearly a disturbed individual.

It’s hard to fathom the viciousness of an attack in which a man chops two people into pieces while they lie on the ground, but it happened.

Be prepared and keep yourself safe out there.

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By J. Kb