I’ve seen two news stories in the last 24 hours that have me thinking.

First from Vox.


If the wording seems confusing, it’s not.  The thesis is the price of fossil fuels needs to be jacked up to get the market to buy less fossil fuels and more green energy.

What this will do the economy is an after thought.   For us in the real world we know that increasing the cost of energy hurts the economy badly and people will suffer.

The other is from a Venezuelan news source

Using Google translate, it quotes Elias Jaua, former Vice President, that the reason supermarket shelves are empty is the Venezuelans eat too much.

He didn’t mention the Maduro diet which caused Venezuelans to lose an average of 22 lbs last year, assuming they weren’t lucky enough to kill a cow with a rock.

So this is my proposal:

Next time around, the mass graves get filled with the central planners, big government bureaucrats, and their thugs.

I figure if we do this the total body count will end up in the few thousands instead of tens of millions.

I have a shovel, an assault rifle, and a deep desire to be left the fuck alone.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “A modest proposal”
  1. “Next time around, the mass graves get filled with the central planners, big government bureaucrats, and thier thugs.”

    This is the general problem with civil wars that people rarely discuss. Historically, those that die are rarely the ones that were the cause in the first place. Further, those that take over the new government are usually worse than the ones that were overthrown. That’s what was so unique about the founding of this country and why the founding fathers are so vilified by the oppressive-government-loving statists.

    1. I’ve blogged about that before.

      I have to say, if there were a revolution. When the dust settles, I’d like to modify our Constitution a little.

      1) Get rid of the “Well regulated militia” part. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, regardless of type or feature, shall not infringed.”

      2) I want a “right to be let alone.” The goverment cannot compel a person to participate in something they do not want to. Pretty much a counter to the “you will be made to care.”

      3) I want a “right to economic liberty” where the government’s ability to tax and regulate my business is restricted by the law. This was always where I felt the Constitution was most lacking. People need political and economic liberty.

      1. Yeah.
        Then again, (1) is only needed because the opposition intentionally misconstrue a plain English sentence. Any honest parser knows that that phrase is an explanation, not a limitation.
        (2) is implicit in the supposedly limited / enumerated powers of the Federal government. If you could actually enforce Article 1 Section 8, about 98% of the Federal government would evaporate. And Western states would get back just about all the land currently “owned” by the Federal government contrary to the next-to-last entry in that section.
        (3) was in the draft Declaration of Independence, which spoke of the “right to life, liberty, and property”. While “pursuit of happiness” is a lovely phrase, I wish the editing committee had kept the original wording.

      2. While I agree with modifying the Constitution a little, I do not think your proposals will result in any meaningful long lasting change. Want to really change the way government treats the populace, do two things:

        1. If you cannot demonstrate that you have a positive tax burden, you cannot vote.
        No, this is not a poll tax. It is a test. A test that you are a positive contributor to the system. When you add up the amount you paid in Federal taxes, and deduct the amount of benefit you receive, if that number is positive, you get to vote.
        Same with State and Local elections.

        Get rid of the leeches, and those that vote strictly in their personal financial interest, and the quality of candidates will improve significantly.

        2. Outlaw the practice of “withholding”
        No employer can legally withhold taxes from an employees paycheck. Every payday, or every month, the employee must write a check to the IRS, or do some on line payment thing. And, they must do it manually.

        I bet that as soon as people start realizing that taxes are not just a “I got free money in April” thing, they will start paying attention to what their representatives do with their money.

        Pretty much, anything that does not force the average voter to realize what a scam the Government has become will not actually result in any meaningful change.

    2. Should an actual, by God shooting type civil war come into play, the dynamics change enormously. The private beliefs and personality of the winning side’s leader will be the sole determining factor of how the next government will be formed- that side’s ideology doesn’t really come into play.

      America was blessed to have the extraordinarily rare person willing to allow himself to be limited by a Constitution, and to step down after two terms in office. Most leaders, when presented with that sort of power, will appoint themselves absolute dictators for life. They may pay lip service to the official ideas of the movement, but personal loyalty to the man on top is the only ideology that would matter.

  2. The irony is lower costs like we’ve had had had the biggest effect on reducing production than anything else. I worked in the oil industry, I took a 20% pay cut in 2015/16 when the market was saturated with cheap oil from countries that rely on oil revenue flooding the market as well as successful drilling and extraction for old fields. I was lucky I wasn’t laid off out right like 200 of my coworkers.

    The result of this is just about every drilling operation in the US closed shop that wasn’t a mega company like haliburton or slumberger.

    So in the end net production went down because of the massive flood of oil to the market and cheap prices, small outfits couldn’t turn a profit at >$50 a barrel oil.

    There is some recovery but production and consumption is nothing like it was pre 2015 and oil revenue nation’s are onyl continuing to produce because the is the only way they make any money.

    Simply put, the more epxensive oil is the easier it is to produce at a profit so more people do it.

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