I rarely post amateur videos like this, but given what I’ve seen, I’m making an exception in this case.  It’s half-an-hour long but worth watching.

It turns out that when Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio said they were cleaning the subways to fight the Coronavirus, they were bullshitting us.

After the deaths of thousands of elderly in nursing homes through a policy of mandating nursing homes take sick patients, this has to be next greatest scandal of the Cuomo/de Blasio handling of NYC.

A buddy of mine sent me this cartoon, and it is dead-on accurate.


The media is doing everything it can to cover for Governor Cuomo because his mismanaging of the Coronavirus in New York is so bad that I believe it is criminal.

When you know as a matter of fact that the elderly are at the greatest risk for death from this disease, and you force nursing homes to take elderly patients who are infected with said disease, you have actively caused the deaths of every person that first patient has infected.  It is murder.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “A must watch video the major media networks won’t cover”
  1. Even if you can’t get conviction of murder for Cuomo’s nursing home diktat, it should be straightforward to get one for reckless endangerment.

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