I asked a dear friend of mine who is a great shooter, IDPA competitor and a teacher for decades, how was it possible that there was such a resistance to arm their fellow practicing pedagogues * among Liberals. His answer was illuminating: “Because the dumb assholes don’t want to be armed!” or words to that effect.
And from what I have seen from other sources, it appears to be true. I have seen the testimony of teachers to the effect of they cannot manipulate a weapon safely, or aim or select a proper target or even to keep a sidearm holstered. It seems that somehow obtaining a teaching certificate affects something in the body, probably in the brain and makes them physically and mentally unable to properly handle a gun.
Now, the State of Florida prohibits anybody who has been adjudicated mentally defective from owning firearms. And in the concealed carry part of the law, it states that anybody who “Develops or sustains a physical infirmity which prevents the safe handling of a weapon or firearm” cannot carry a gun for self-defense. That sounds very close to what the teachers are admitting happens to them
So here is my proposal: If you are a teacher in Florida, you are a Prohibited Person. That means you cannot carry, own, posses, etc. a firearm anywhere in the state and you are subject to the same conditions and penalties as if you were a felon or somebody convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence.
Sounds fair to me and we are doing this to keep the Children Safe, right? I mean, there are children outside the school and if you are a danger to them with a gun inside the school, you are certainly the same danger out there in the world and we need to keep you from harming those you are supposed to teach only.
But don’t worry: if something happens, you can always call the cops.
Seems to me they shouldn’t be permitted to vote, either. Hard to argue you’re too incompetent to manage a tool used by illiterates for hundreds of years yet still competent enough to vote competently.
They could always advocate for a ‘no-guns’ registry. I found this article interesting.