This was originally from a French international outlet, AFP, but was republished by MSN.

Family recounts Palestinian teen’s last hours before Israeli shooting

Oh no, how sad and terrible.  Damn those Jews!

After waking up on Friday, the day he turned 15, Palestinian Ali Ayman Nasr Abu Aliya told his mother Nihad he was hoping for a birthday surprise.

But in the early afternoon, Aliya was shot and killed during clashes with Israeli troops in his village of Mughayir, just north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

That sounds so sad, he sounds like such a sweet boy.  Those Israelis must be awful.

Responding to AFP’s questions on Monday, the army said that in order to suppress “violent riots” it had used “riot dispersal means” including 0.22 calibre bullets.

Those horrible Jews!

Mughayir has been in mourning since the weekend, with posters honouring the 15-year-old as a “martyr” and a “hero” fixed on cars, walls and hanging off electrical wires above the village streets.

Nihad, Ayman as well as other devastated relatives and friends recounted to AFP the final hours of a young man described as intelligent, an excellent student, kind, helpful and a fan of Real Madrid.

See, he wasn’t a bad kid.

(Two-Thirds the way down the article.)

Israel’s army said “dozens of rioters threw stones” at security personnel and attempted “to roll large boulders and burning tires from the ridges above the Alon road, endangering the lives of passengers”.

Troops “responded with riot dispersal means, including the use of 0.22 Ruger bullets”.

“It was the first time (Ali) had been (at a protest)”, father Ayman said. 

Witnesses said Aliya had also been throwing stones and his classmate, 14-year-old Nael Ahmed, told AFP he was a few meters away when Aliya was hit by a fatal shot. 

Oh… so this boy was standing on a hill throwing very large rocks and trying to roll a boulder down onto a road below with the intent of hurting and killing civilians when he got shot.

That’s… that’s a little different.

Maybe he deserved that bullet.

But only if you read past the first “continue article” button after an advertisement.

Perhaps “Palestinian who tried to roll a boulder down on an Israeli highway shot by Defense Forces” is a more accurate headline.

No, anything to make the Palestinians sympathetic and the Israelis look bloodthirsty.

This is how they spread their vile beliefs, hiding facts and context that are important to the story that manipulates you into believing that the bad guys are victims and the victims are the bag guys.

The media is evil.

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By J. Kb

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