The whole video:


Tariq Nasheed is a piece of shit who Tweets a photo without context to a major American company.

That company, without vetting the story, slanders him by saying “The actions in these photos are inconsistent with Toyota’s guiding principle of Respect for People. We do not condone this conduct.”

What actions and conduct do they not condone and are inconsistent with Toyota’s guiding principles?

Saving a woman from a hate mob?

Helping an innocent woman who was pepper-sprayed by white supremacists?

Seems like Toyota is a really shitty company then.

Since Toyota Tweeted this incorrect and defamatory information, I really want see this guy sue the fucking balls off Toyota.  They slandered him.  It’s time to make corporate America understand why they can’t bow to cancel culture and can’t shoot from the hip or they might destroy a good person’s life.

After Toyota sent this out, who would hire him, Toyota effectively destroyed his employability.

I hope this dude fucking owns Toyota at the end of the day.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “A play in three acts”
  1. I just called them and asked for him. “He no longer works here.”

    I chuckled. “It’s a shame. Because that photo? The woman he was holding has publicly stated that he saved her and she called him a hero. Nice job. Won’t be buying anything from you guys.”


  2. I don’t want to be a neighsayer, but I have seen a subsequent interview with her where she’s partially retracted her defense of him. That in effect she now feels that what he was doing wasn’t really helping her and that only the police and the journalist saved her from the crowd by physically protecting and escorting her away from them.

    Additionally, I’ve seen videos from other events where a man who bears a striking resemblance to him is making various ethnic and racial slurs against blacks, Hispanics, and Jews in concert with Pro-Trump statements/slogans.

    The caveat to that is the man in the video walks back to her and was advising her to please safely get away before someone tries to injure her further; which in nutty leftist logic is a white man telling a black woman to leave a space she has a right to be in, even if it isn’t safe and a judicious retreat would be the most prudent course of action.

  3. Of course she threw him under the bus as soon as her fellow BLM terrorists complained.

    She doesn’t want to be peacefully shot in the back or repeatedly stabbed at the next rally after all.

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