If you have been following the Left-leaning News, Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma was empty and that is demonstrative of how support for Trump is in the US.

I’m not so sure about that.  I didn’t expect that rally to be swamped.

It was the night before Father’s Day and many people are still worried about COVID in big groups.  The media buys its own bullshit, such as its mischaracterization of the Conservative opinion on COVID.  We know it’s potentially dangerous.  We just don’t think that shutting down small business but leaving open bix box stores, or encouraging packed protests but forbidding people from sitting spaced apart on a sunny beach is the right approach to dealing with it.  Going to a packed stadium with recirculated air and no sunshine didn’t seem like something a lot of people, even Trump supporters, were interested in.

Then more information came out:

From USA Today:

K-pop stans, teens on TikTok may have inflated expected turnout to Trump’s Tulsa rally

Trump’s Saturday rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma featured smaller-than-expected crowds, with rows of empty seats at the 19,000-capacity BOK Center despite an expected turnout of nearly a million supporters. A call to action coordinated by teens and young adults on TikTok and K-pop users on Twitter could explain what happened.

After the Trump re-election campaign opened up registration for free tickets to the rally, K-pop fans on Twitter shared information on how to sign up — with directives to obtain tickets, but not attend.

The phenomenon later spread onto TikTok, where scores of users encouraged their followers to do the same.

“Did you know you can make sure there are empty seats at Trump’s rally?” she captioned the video, which has now amassed 706,000 likes on the platform as of Sunday.

The Washington Times had more to report on this:

Anti-Trump protesters ‘interfere’ with rally, campaign claims, as outdoor speeches canceled

The Trump campaign canceled planned outdoor speeches by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at their comeback rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday night after protesters “interfered” with Trump supporters, campaign officials said.

“Sadly, protesters interfered with supporters, even blocking access to the metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh. “Radical protesters, coupled with a relentless onslaught from the media, attempted to frighten off the president’s supporters. We are proud of the thousands who stuck it out.”

Steve Schmidt, former campaign manager for John McCain in 2008 and a harsh critic of Mr. Trump, asserted that the Trump campaign was duped by anti-Trump teenagers requesting tickets.

“My 16-year-old daughter and her friends in Park City, Utah, have hundreds of tickets,” Mr. Schmidt tweeted at Mr. Parscale minutes before the rally was set to begin. “You have been rolled by America’s teens. @realDonaldTrump you have been failed by your team. You have been deserted by your faithful. No one likes to root for the losing team.”

Black Lives Matter protesters blocked intersections near the venue as well.

In light of this news, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tweeted this:

I know this was a campaign rally and not an election but this sort of fuckery is beyond the pale.

Mocking another candidate’s poor performance at a rally is one thing.  Actually trying to sabotage another candidate’s rally is something entirely different.

Snatching up all the tickets online is bad.  Protesters blocking traffic and entrances is worse.

Then there is the intimidation factor.  Many of us have seen the violence carried out by other “mostly-peaceful protesters” and I can imagine that many people hearing that the same protesters are amassing outside a Trump rally would want to stay away for their own safety.

A sitting Member of Congress cheering this on is despicable.

I suspect that this is a preview for what we will see in November.

The Democrats have an ugly history of using unaccountable masked thugs to keep Republican voters away from the polls on election day.

If they are going to interfere will rallies, they will interfere with elections.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “A prelude to November”
  1. That would not stop me… I carry, and I am NOT afraid to pop one of these pieces of shit in the fucking chest, with a 9mm slug if they fuck with me….

    In fact, I DARE them to try it… I carry about 60 rounds in mags with me, so, I can take out as many need be, plus, I have an AR in the vehicle, fully loaded, and with soft points…. FUCK ‘EM!!! Let GOD sort them out… I am sick of this BULLSHIT!!!!!

  2. We watched the rally on Fox. Our President was great, and the crowd cheered often. There was also a diverse crowd. Me and the missus were cheering too. The President mentioned AOC specifically, and called her out for her antics.

  3. The folks on the right side of the political aisle have to start paying attention to Alinsky. Rule #5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

    Let’s run with it. Trump pulled in thousands of people, despite the left’s attempt to squash the rally. Biden can hardly get 10 people to show up, despite the fact people on the right did nothing to disrupt it. Spread the word, far and wide. Even with zero interference, Biden is a no-show.

    Secondly, let’s ridicule Alexandria Occasionally Coherent, and the rest of the leftists that are all kinds of proud of their childish tactics. I would expect that kind of behavior from teens, not from a middle aged, former campaign manager.

    Ridicule first. then apply Rule #4, make them live up to their own rules. Pull this crap on all of their candidates, across the board. Representative, Senators, Governors, etc… Ignore Biden, his campaign is a joke anyway.

    1. And, make sure you call them out as the children they actually are. Oh… we punk’d you…. we are so proud…


  4. Just saw an article on the Yahoo! main page, and at no point did it mention the concerted effort to gobble up the tickets. Gee…. wonder why??‍♀️?‍♂️

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