Gun: Glock 20 with an aftermarket slide for a 5 inch barrel, chambered in 9mm Dillon.

Ammo: 9mm Dillon loaded with custom turned reverse ogive bullets (see below for profile) made from 99.9% C110 H04 full hard tough pitch copper, bullet weight of 90 grains, velocity of 2,000 fps.



I’m basing it on the old French THV bullet but a little heavier.  I won’t have the base hollowed out.

The problem with the THV is that many of the pistols of the day didn’t feed it well.

But a Glock feeds straight in and necked pistol cartridges generally feed off the neck and shoulder, so reliability should be much better.

The French ballistic tests showed devastating wound channels with the reverse ogive design.  It’s the principle by which the Lehigh Xtreme Defense bullets work, except better.  The Xtreme Defense bullet uses the reverse ogive of the THV in the flutes but has the outer profile to enhance feeding reliability.

By ATF regulation should be 100% completely legal.

Infer the purpose at your leisure.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “A project gun and ammo I want to build”
  1. Interesting J.Kb. I’ve been using the Lehigh Defense FTM bullets since they came to market. Have tested them through, ballistics gel, gallon water jugs, 2×6 in front of gel and water jugs, windshields, car doors, and phonebooks. I’ve tested them against every other type of self-defense round-bullet, and they delivered better results than any other design. So….I am curious as to how Dillon round would perform better—-not saying you’re incorrect, I just don’t know anything about the round.

    Since the Glock 20 is designed for a much more potent 10mm round, the platform should absorb the 9mm round very well–shoot flat, less muzzle-rise and felt-recoil. Is that your reasoning or….?

    1. I’ve been a fan of Lehigh Defense for some time now; hometown pride and all that, plus their rounds just seem to work well in my carry pistol and the home defense guns. I just wish their rounds weren’t so expensive; but I get it, those bullets are more complex to make. In any case, I hope they do well as part of Wilson Combat.

      1. The problem I see is that I doubt that it would pen even cheap rifle plates.

        This will be overwhelmingly expensive and not particularly more effective than currently available 50gr 9mm+P CHP.

        You’re hearing hoofbeats and thinking zebras not horses.

        I’d suggest sticking to regular 9mm and getting an optic & 20+rd magazines.

        Moar Pew is always better than less and Pew that I can get moar good hits with is better still.

  2. If your reasoning is to carry this, maybe think twice. Should you actually use it, a zealous prosecutor might try to use that against you (I realize having to kill someone in SD gets into semantics with “deadly” ammunition.

    It might make you look like a nut to the jury vs a guy who just wants to protect himself. YMMV.
    I try to match what local LE are using, if not caliber, same brand/line of ammo.

    1. Doesn’t the same logic apply for hollowpoints vs ball, Critical Defense vs regular JHP?

      1. The reasoning for ammunition choice was literally bright up against kyle during his trial.

        Not much came of it luckily but it came up with all they standard why did you choose a more deadly bullet questions etc.

        End of the say I don’t think it matters what you use, if the prosecutor finds opportunity to use it against you they will.

      2. I think so, if i get your meaning…LE uses hollow points. And rounds like critical defense (aside from it being in the name), can be argued that they are designed to be expend their energy in their target (In addition to greater tissue damage), not over penetrate, etc.

    2. At this point, in any state that is shall issue or Constitutional carry, you could pop a mass shooter/domestic terrorist with whatever you wanted and they won’t bring it up in court. Any prosecutor who did would probably be run out of town on a rail.

      Prosecutor: “Tell the jury why you used the gun you did? Were you out to commit murder?”

      Me: “Well, this guy came in yelling racial slurs and shooting people. It looked like he was wearing body armor so I vibe checked his plates with a 458 Win Mag.”

      Jury: “Not guilty, let him go.”

      1. J.Kb.,

        The problem is you are more likely to run into the run of the mill car-jacker, phone thief, or even random hater from a different race or religion, than a “manifestoed” mass shooter.

        The last mass shooting in St. Paul, MN was two dudes shooting at each other in the “Seventh Street Truck Park” bar and grill. They killed one woman and injured 14 others. No, they did not kill each other.

  3. Oh you have my extreme interest now good Sir!

    I love my 10mm but the 9×25 in quiet the beast itself. Short of hand turning these on a lathe using some kind of jig what would be a good economical way of making and testing this?

  4. See also Atlas Arms the “Dagny Dagger” and join me in a gleeful black hearted cackle of delight

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