I have a multi part question for moderate democrats, independents, and anybody else who is not a Trump supporter – and might even be left of center – but is not a raging SJW.
I know that not a lot of people like that probably read this blog, but I assume many readers have friends or family who do fall into the demographic described above.
If readers would be so kind to ask this question or send the link to this post to their moderate cohorts, I’d like to know the answer to this question.
I was clearly not a Trump supporter during the election. Faithful readers know how much I criticized him.
Since his inauguration I have supported him when he does good things and have criticized him when he has done bad things.
The thing I think he deserves the most praise for is his choice in Supreme Court nominees. He could have picked crazies or activists but he didn’t. He has picked people with rock solid Constitutionalist conservative histories. People with impeccable qualifications. People well respected in the Judicial community.
Regardless of how you feel about Trump, what do you feel about the way the Senate Democrats have acted during the Kavanaugh confirmation process?
How do you feel about the Democrats’ throwing out the presumption of innocence? Pushing the idea that women must be believed and men must be assumed to be guilty because of their respective sexes?
Yes, I know this is not a criminal hearing, it is “job interview” but do you like this standard being raised – where uncorroborated accusations, even refuted by witnesses, is enough to permanently destroy a man’ reputation and life.
Make no mistake about it, if Kavanaugh is not confirmed to SCOUTS, he’s out of the Federal Judiciary. He’s done in public life.
Do you fear for yourself or your husbands, brothers, and sons that under this new standard they too might have their careers and livelihoods ruined by the most spurious of accusations?
I’m not asking if you are going to vote Republican next election, but can you continue to support Senate Democrats watching this unfold?
I take the attacks on Kavanaugh personally. If this works there is nothing stoppign them from slandering everyone this way using such vaporous accusations without and shred of substance. If they can they will.
Well said, sir!
I consider myself more moderate. I like gays and guns, I think pot and other drugs should be legalized even though I don’t use, social justice is horse shit to me more often than not, so on and so forth.
I was very much like you, I did not vote for Trump, I voted for Gary Johnson, because if my vote doesn’t count (CT) and I’m gonna get dicked, at least the memes will be good if it comes from a guy named Johnson.
Since the election political division had been ratcheted up to like 15 out of 10, way past anything I ever remember in my life, and is being mostly done by the left. There are extreme elements on both sides to be sure, but I find I encounter a greater volume on the left, and they are the ones who seem to lack any ability of introspection, perspective, cognitive dissonance, and an ability to say hmm what if that gets flipped and used on me?
An excellent example of this is a friend of mine saying, they’re repubtards their opinion is meaningless and they can be safely ignored. When asked if he realized they say the same thing about him he just refers me to the first statement. This is a guy who got 1600 on his SATs but cannot get past his political affiliation to see logic or reason.
Lots of forgiveness of the sins of our party type stuff. Lots of whinging when it’s the opposite team doing it instead of your own.
These are also the people who cannot comprehend how Trump won. They cannot comprehend how people can be rude, crude, and lewd and still be decent individuals. How people can have used a racial slur, told a sexist joke, or made a disparaging comment and not be racist, sexist, or any other ist. They’ve clearly never interacted with a blue collar worker on the job or at the job site in any meaningful way.
I have also seen what could be considered a softening in the Republican party, where they have move slightly more moderate; to me it doesn’t seem like a party that is clearly ruled by religious conservatism anymore.
In this time with the insanity the left seems to be pushing harder than anyone else, I have also aged. While I would say I have been pretty mature my whole late teen and adult life and my Outlook hasnt changed much, I find myself being pushed more and more conservative or more correctly more towards the Republicans because the oposoite end of the spectrum is far too hostile to my life. I have aged in a way that while Republicans do no represent everything I believe, no party does, they are the only choice available with a current real chance to prevent insanity from having power. It pains me to have to make this concession, and feels like an abandonment of principles. However, while I wouldn’t say my survival is at stake or anything that melodramatic, there certainly isn’t a better strategic choice at this point. I do think the libertarian party has a promising future having gotten almost 10% of the vote last election. The NY governor’s race will be very instructive regarding that parties future I think.
I agree with you whole heartedly, if Trump’s sole achievements as president are two constitutionalist judges (or more) to the supreme court, that is significant. If constructive talks with North Korea continue that will also be a significant achievement. I still don’t like the guy and don’t trust him anymore than any other politician, maybe less, but those are and would be solid successes.
It is pretty clear the Democrats, regardless of if the accusations are true or not, are using this in an attempt to push confirmation voting past the election in the hopes they will control enough seats then to beat the confirmation vote.
This November I will be voting basically straight R on the ballet for all the good it will do me. At least locally the R candidate for our LT Governor is awesome, one of I think 3 who staunchly opposed the post Sandy Hook laws we got. I’m told by many people they actually believe there is a fighting chance for a R Governor this time around in CT; Malloy is just so hated he tainted the party a smidge.
Do it, my friend. There are many thousands like you who have seen their party, the Democrats, slide over to the left where many of them now proudly wear the label of Socialist. And socialism, as we know, is Communism, is totalitarianism. Once they gain power, you will never be allowed to vote again. On the other hand, regardless of what the left says, the Republicans have not repealed Roe v. Wade, they have not done all of the things that the left said they would do. I see today’s Republicans (not counting RINOs) as being Constitutionalists, as I am. So Do It. Vote Republican. It may be your last chance to vote.
One singular bone. I never was and never will be a democrat. If my choice is democrat or nothing, my answer is get fucked commie.
OK two, I doubt this will be my last chance to vote one way or the other; it hasn’t degraded to that point yet. That’s Obama is going to institute marshal law to stay past two terms kind of stuff.
I agree though, this whole Roe v Wade thing is a complete red herring.
“I find myself being pushed more and more conservative or more correctly more towards the Republicans because the opposite end of the spectrum is far too hostile to my life.”
You’re not alone. I switched my voter registration from Independent to Republican this year because of what you mentioned, despite my dislike of both main parties in general.
I suppose I am what some here would consider a “moderate” if all my positions were averaged, but I would not be reading and participating here if this blog did not suit the portions of my views that are conservative. So:
“Regardless of how you feel about Trump, what do you feel about the way the Senate Democrats have acted during the Kavanaugh confirmation process?”
“How do you feel about the Democrats’ throwing out the presumption of innocence? Pushing the idea that women must be believed and men must be assumed to be guilty because of their respective sexes?”
Disgusted. Quite frankly, a bit scared.
JKB, your essay, “A question for the moderates” is spot on. Anyone who is able to set aside partisanship for a nanosecond should be able to see that the Left has gone full bore into the politics of totalitarians, using the same tried and true tactics. It is disgusting. And, it is very frightening.