This is still an active Tweet from the official Twitter account of the World Health Organization of the United Nations.

Screenshot for posterity:


This was posted two weeks after the first reports of a respiratory illness in Wuhan and three days after the first recorded death.  China put Wuhan on lockdown nine days later.

The Chinese doctor who blew the whistle on this virus after he contracted it sent out his warning on December 30th, 15 days before this Tweet.

It is evident that China knew about COVID-19 and was trying to cover it up.

This was published yesterday in the Washing Post Opinion section:

This virus should be forever linked to the regime that facilitated its spread

Want to know why the U.S. economy is in free fall? Why restaurants and bars are closing, putting millions out of work, and why the airline industry is facing possible bankruptcy?

Answer: Because China is a brutal totalitarian dictatorship.

According to the Times of London, Chinese doctors who had identified the pathogen in early December received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission with instructions to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news.

This is what totalitarian regimes do. First, they lie to themselves, and then, they lie to the world.

It is important this virus be forever linked to the brutal regime that facilitated its spread. The virus grew in the cesspool of Chinese Communist tyranny.

This is accurate.

Every attempt by the media to dissociate China with the Coronavirus is furthering the agenda of the Chinese Communist government.

Then again, the New York Times has never returned the Pulitzer Water Duranty was awarded for covering up the Holodomor.

So maybe they know exactly what they are doing.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “A quick followup to Miguel’s media experiment”
  1. I am kind of surprised the WaPo is publishing anything that is critical of China, or the leftist narrative in any way.
    This is not the first op ed that did not toe the “Trump caused this…” narrative from the WaPo

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