Genevieve Reaume, a reporter with KATU, asked Ted Wheeler the million-dollar question:

It is a great question.  It is a question that should be asked a lot.

Is Ted Wheeler to blame?  Yes, partly.

We cannot have a country in which our laws and their enforcement is bifurcated, where political violence is condoned on one side but not on another.

Genevieve Reaume hit the nail on the head and I’d say she really deserves another Emmy for this (if it weren’t tarnished by having been given to Cuomo).

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “A reporter asked the million dollar question”
  1. Deflection.
    Emotional response.

    Seriously. Instead of answering the question, he instead acts offended (like we care about his emotions.) and alters the question so that it is no longer about him.

    Need to start cutting through this stuff. Start forcing people who use these techniques to avoid answering questions to actually answer them.

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