Part 1:

Part 2:


I can imagine how rushing to a woman who fell in tight pants would be taken as less chivalrous and more rapey in today’s world.

Congratulations society, you destroyed good men.  I hope you’re happy now because it will suck when the barbarian horde arrives.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “A story in two parts”
  1. Id like to know the whole story. Is she a fun outgoing gal or one of those” uuugghh all these men are lookin at me” type? The Mirror, headline “Mum” makes me assume its England… you can go to jail for defending yourself from crime, you can get sued for going to someones aid when they in distress. Yall got what you wanted- a country where you ARE on yer own. Couple years ago this older gent had a heart attack and fell in this 8inch deep pond in a park- 1st responders showed up took one look an said “we are not water trained, we cant go in there we will lose our job”…. guess what? No one else would go get him so he friggin died.. welcome to the nanny state

    1. Yall got what you wanted- a country where you ARE on yer own.

      Except you’re not on your own. The whole system has you set up to fail and will be right there to take you down.

      Not only will they not come to help you if you need it, they will actively punish you for helping yourself, and will also actively punish any other private citizen subject who tries to help you outside of “official” means.

      There is no self-defense allowed.
      There is no self-sufficiency allowed.
      There is no legal or civil protection for Good Samaritans.
      There is no legal or civil protection for their own EMS workers acting in Good Faith, as you pointed out.

      The others are bad enough, but that last one is particularly telling; they’ll throw their own under the bus to maintain the power structure.

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