So Trump made up one of his stupid nicknames for Chuck Todd and called him “sleepy eyes Chuck Todd” because… I don’t know and really don’t give a shit.

Apparently he’s also Jewish.  I didn’t know this until today, because I don’t watch Chuck Todd because he’s a hack.

Sarah Chadwick (Chadwick being a very Anglo-Saxon name) of MDS decide that this stupid nickname was evidence that Trump is going to town on anti-Semitic dog whistles.

I’ve never heard this in my life.  Even Harretz had a hard time calling this anti-Semitic.

It seems this was from Tumblr and is about a dubious as the myriad of genders other than Male and Female that Tumblr has created as well.

So this shit went around and around social media where Trump haters claimed that they found the smoking gun that Trump is really a Nazi.  While everyone else couldn’t’ muster a fuck between them.

So a weekday in 2018.

Then a tweet was sent on this subject that laid waste to all other tweets tweeted today.

Fuck.  Yes.  He.  Did.

And it is glorious.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “A Tweet for the Ages Against Hogg”
  1. “You know what’s offensive to Jews? Your pal @davidhogg111 naming his book Never Again. You want to boycott something? Boycott his book.

    — Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) April 23, 2018”

    Aaannd mike drop. Boom baybee!

  2. I had thought the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown narrative to be the biggest lies and most offensive narratives of this century but….

    Gun control groups seizing the tag ‘Never Again’ could be more disgusting. The late Aaron Zelman of JFPO would have torn these new SJW’s a new orifice, and rightly so.

  3. I saw exactly one Jewish person I know get all bent out of shape by this on social media. And he’s exactly what you’d suspect, i.e. “drumpf orange man russia literally hitler”.

    Every other Jewish person I know either said nothing or pointed it out as something to ridicule.

  4. I’m going to beg all Jews everywhere to get armed. A bunch of them are liberal and won’t do so, but they are failing to see the horrible trends right now. Rabid antisemitism is on the rise and their government will not protect them.

    I’m not Jewish, but I am armed because it is my inherent right of self defense and to not be armed almost invites aggression from evil people. Never Again means something!

    Never Again!
    Molon Labe!

    and my new favorite…

    I will not comply!

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