By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “A very organic and not at all centrally planned demonstration in Kentucky”
  1. Should be pretty easy for the FBI or marshals to figger out who rented the UHAUL truck and stick ’em with aiding and abetting …

    1. “Aiding and abetting” what? It’s a protest. Those are not illegal, nor are they required to be spontaneous. Even in places where you require a permit to hold a protest, the charges would be minor, and probably politically dangerous to prosecute. “Aiding and abetting in holding an unpermitted protest” is hardly a felony. I don’t think A&A can even be applied unless it’s a criminal charge.
      Even if it devolves into a riot, it would be impossible to pin the charges on the people who organized the protest, not without some really good evidence that they intended for it to turn into a riot. Not that that stopped them from trying to do so….when the protest is a right wing protest. I’m not sure how it turned out, but they dragged all 12 of the people who organized the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville under grounds that they somehow “conspired to commit violence”, after a single guy in the vicinity drove his car into the crowd. The legal justification being that they apparently organized the protest in spite of the fact that there was a good chance antifa would show up and cause trouble (this is of course a civil suit, not a criminal prosecution, since they broke no laws). They claimed that the fact that some of the participants spoke online beforehand about bringing weapons proved that they intended to cause violence, never mind that they very much NEEDED weapons as the event proved. I recall one of the points they made was that they “even organized it so far as bringing coolers along to keep the mayonnaise on the sandwiches from going bad in the hot sun”. Ah, the depravity of those racists knows no bounds! Coolers for food for your hungry rally participants, it clearly spells out intended murder!!!
      But of course that was a RIGHT WING rally, which is a totally different thing. Zero chance anyone here will face any consequences.

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