By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on ““A White Hispanic Race Soldier”… Huh?”
  1. When all you look for is hatred and racism all you will see is hatred and racism. democrat=moron with room tempature IQ.

  2. I have been playing the white = racist game lately. It is actually quite stupid, but it does mimic current events.

    It is really simple. Replace the word “white” with the word “racist” every time you use it. “Honey, give me that racist plate.” “Do you want racist rice with that?” “That racist car just cut me off!” “Use a bit of bleach in your wash to make your racist sheets a brighter shade of racist.” “The President lives in the Racist House on Pennsylvania Ave.”

    It is absurd, but it makes as much sense as the idiots on the left do.

  3. Curvy: I sort of disagree. Rather, I see it as a sort of textbook definition of projection: seeing in others, that part of yourself that you find repugnant.

    Eg: short skirts make me have sexy thoughts. Sexy thoughts are BAD, so it must be the fault of those strumpets (“THOT”) for enticing me towards sin, since it *COULDN’T* be me!

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