Oh lordy! The pearl clutching is powerful!

Click to enlarge.

I find hilarious that they somehow are trying to shame us for the supposed bad language that represents which could only mean we are some sort of debased beasts or lesser kind of people, not fit for educated society. But yet, as much as I try to remember these pearl-clutchers never found vulgar:

  • Netflix’s Cuties.
  • Hunter Biden’s drug and sex photo filled laptop.
  • Sexual predator dressing as women and raping girls in high schools
  • Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban.
  • Homoerotic lap dancing in high school.
  • Elementary school children taking for trips to Gay bars.
  • Parents forcing gender reassignment drugs in toddlers.

And I can go on an on on more stuff that has happened just this last 10 months and that the assholes having vapors for this shirt have simply ignored at best or supported at worst.

I don’t recall any of them throwing a shit fit saying that these t shirts were vulgar and in code.

Or this one being vulgar because it was explicit.

So dear Colleen, fuck you, Fuck Joe Biden and go date a Trans Woman or some shit like that.  You don’t get to dictate “politeness” anymore nor we are taking it from you and your kind.

Reap the whirlwind.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “About being offended by “Let’s Go Brandon!””
  1. She cannot grasp the reason most of us are using the euphemism is PRECISELY because we understand how base and vulgar is the sentiment behind it. She should be thankful most of us haven’t yet reached the stage of actually chanting FJB out loud; once we’re all there, the wheels come off.
    Just leave me alone.

  2. I’m past civility. As a Southerner, this bothers me almost as much as not being left alone.

    Crackhunter’s laptop probably has some photographic or video essays that are IPA or Oscar-worthy, after all, his paintings sell for more than a Picasso…

  3. I find it hilarious that if it weren’t for a liberal media hack being unable to comprehend and/or admit what the nascar crowd was actually chanting, “let’s go Brandon!” could never have become a thing.

  4. It is the first axiom of politics in action. Not sure why anyone is surprised.

    Besides, the left act and think like children, and assume everyone else does. They tried to “hide” the FJB chanting, and probably thought doing so would make it disappear. Curiously, they did not learn the lesson of the “deplorables” comment. (Another hallmark of the left, history does not exist.)

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