This just popped in Twitter:


Hard Rock stadium used to be Dolphin Stadium / Joe Robbie Stadium in North Miami Dade county.


Now, this is not new. Ever since the state opened testing sites to anybody over 18 with or without symptoms and antibody kits (non-invasive and fastest) are now available, people have been flooding to get tested.

It is basic common sense: You expand your pool of test subject, make it easy for them to take the tests and make it free and it is not out of the realm of possibilities that people that had caught the virus but were asymptomatic are now detected and entered in the database which will rise in numbers. But is that how the media portrays it? Nope, it would make sense and oppose the Narrative.

MIAMI GARDENS (CBSMiami) – As Florida’s number of coronavirus continues to surge, there has been an increase in the number of people wanting to be tested.

Long Lines Form At Hard Rock Stadium Test Site As Florida Coronavirus Numbers Surge

Yup, they play it backwards. It does not give them pause for one second to think that unless there is testing, nobody can know the number of people infected. Apparently the number of infections they harp on rise without the need to have tests made, it is like they have superpowers that let’s them know things and the testing itself is not quite necessary.

No, I don’t get it either.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “About Florida testing for Wuhan V.”
  1. I am having this exactly uphill battle with my city assembly, HHS office, and Mayor. All they are capable of seeing is the positive number going up, without regard to why.

    And, that is the problem with the news media today. They have no desire to ask why. Why something is happening, what caused it, etc… they are convinced they already know why.

    1. It’s not just “why”. The modern media has no desire or incentive to ask ANY questions.

      They hear about an event they find newsworthy — in effect, they get handed the “what”, and often the “who” and “where” with it. They then craft the story based on The Narrative [TM].

      Event: “Coronavirus cases rising in Florida” (contains what and where)

      The Narrative [TM] fills in the rest: Republican failures of leadership, Republican science denial, Republican racism, Republicans pushing to re-open too fast, Republicans not locking down hard enough (sense a pattern yet?), with a dash of Democrats objecting but getting steamrolled.

      No real questions, and because the modern media is 97% “Progressive” and offended by Republican success at anything, no incentive to ask them or report facts (actually the opposite: a strong disincentive to ask real questions).

      The modern media is very like a prosecutor before a grand jury. They have no duty to tell the whole story or provide exonerating evidence; their only job is to secure an indictment.

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