We all have heard about people driving country roads and coming to have a collision with a deer.  My buddy did warn me that deer were plenty in the area and to be careful. In fact, we did see a Bambi on the road and he/she did a quick getaway without consequences. I pressed on the gas to continue and the next thing I know:


Blue feathers everywhere.

I hit a frigging bluebird! Who’s ever heard of hitting one of them things. You figure they can fly and are somewhat smart enough to avoid big honing moving machines. Not this idiot.

No damage to my truck.

Oh well.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “About that trip to the “holler””
  1. I hit a turkey vulture once. There was 2 of them havin dinner on the side of the road. I startled them and they took off. One flew low in front of me and i clocked him with the bumper. Whump. Not much i could do. Critters are EVERYWHERE.

  2. Every time I drive in the country, and even sometimes in the metro, I complain about birds seeming to be suicidal whenever I’m passing through their territory. Then my wife reminds me that there is a reason why the term “bird-brain” is used for stupid people. Their brains are really, really tiny. I won’t make the next comparison you’re probably thinking about right now, it would be too easy. 🙂

  3. Been there. Done that. But it was a Robin with a Ford Tempo (side note: I miss that car. Couldn’t kill it and dead simple to work on).

  4. I used to drive a big rig long haul. On a clear, beautiful day I saw two little birds fighting in midair, probably over a female (that didn’t give shit about either of them). Anyway, they were so busy raising hell at each other, they didn’t notice the Volvo condominium coming at 65. Whomp, huge burst of feathers when the second story took’em both out. You know there’s a lot of feathers when you can see them in the mirror. ???

  5. I harvested a deer with my wife’s Jeep once. The sheriff came out to make an accident report.

    He told me that in Clearwater County Idaho the most common cause of an accident was a collision with a deer. I’m not surprised. On some of the roads near my property there I see far more deer than I do cars or people.

  6. Wife and I have both hit multiple Cardinals since moving here in 2000. One of them was lodged in my bumper when I got to work one time.

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