There is a gigantic mistake the left is making and has to continue to make in order to keep one of its many groups happy: They Must Hate And Bash Cops.

This is an opportunity we cannot allow to go to waste. If w can get at least 50% of police officers firmly in our side (and it does not matter if they make it public or not,) we would successfully disrupt and deny the means to enforce bad law to the Left.

We already have a sizable population of LEOs who are pro-gun, but what we also have is a vocal minority of cop-bashers among our brethren that need to chill-out and be smart about what might be coming down the road.  We need not only people who may do a bad job investigating who owns guns, but also provide information on upcoming raids, who is who in government and can create disruptions amongst the local power structure.

Welcome to the concept of the Fifth Column.

Now, although you may very well have grievances with the way Law Enforcement may or may not be acting in your particular location, I would strongly suggest to postpone them for a day and age when things are much calmer and we can retake the peaceful addressing of our grievances. Right now, you should be preparing for the not-so-peaceful attempts to destroy our Bill of Rights. 

I don’t know if your local LEO agency has something like this, but Miami Dade PD has events called Coffee with a Cop where they go to a local place to shoot the shit with the neighbors. I think this is a great idea, specially if those going to make nice with the LEO are smiling Gun Owners who probably have in common more stuff that we are kind to accept.

It seems we are heading for internal strife. The US has not had a sampling of that since 1865 and the way history has been taught, the Civil War is just some historical event presented in an antiseptic form on TV. For some of us, civil wars and in-country conflicts are more recent, mover vivid and hard to forget about the cost. I want us to have every advantage possible so if we tried and failed every peaceful means, the use of other means is swift and leaves not doubts to the Other Side ” that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy” as succinctly put by the late Col. Jeff Cooper.  I do believe that our Enemies do not understand the capacity that lies on our side and they will need to be taught fast so the casualties remain at a minimum. Civil Wars make for long-standing grudges that we really do not need as a country. In fact and knowing history, the US stands apart on the peacetime consequences in the aftermath of a civil war.

This is not to say that we abandon peaceful and legal means, just the opposite. We work hard, lobby, vote, donate, write to our legislators, the president, call in, make a pest of ourselves till we are heard. But that does not mean that we are to begin preparations only after all other methods are exhausted.

Who knows? Maybe the Left will eventually get the message that we just want to be left alone and stop fucking around.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “About the upcoming fight: we need to be smart and keep our Police Allies.”
  1. Great post. I did this with a Citizen’s police academy in my city and a ride along. Very eye opening and gave me a better confidence in them. I won’t say which city it was but the various detectives made a point about how gun free zones don’t work, even rebutting a very obvious liberal question about them from one of the attendees. The ride along was fantastic to say the least. Most of the officers are military veterans so I felt in pretty good company.

  2. Your words are sober, thoughtful and reasonable. You are on target and I know you have more experience with this type of horrific crap than most of us.

    This is only tangentially about guns.

    The Progressive Left does not believe in Constitutional Limited Government. The idea that there is anything beyond the power of the State is the antithesis of the ideology- Charles Merriam, The Progressive thinker in the 1920 ‘s or so) called the Natural Rights theory of government an absurdity, a failure and a fantasy. Government can do anything it wants if the people assent. Tjevdubhrct is if the people won’t frefly assent, perhaps they merely need persuading. The persuasion can be through carrots such as government freebies. but it certainly can be with sticks too.

    The People must be disarmed before they can be pushed around for their own good, simply look to New York City and Chicago for mileposts on the journey to Utopia.

    Keep on preaching Brother/ your words reach far beyond the choir. The Modern American Leftist//Progressives are awakening the same Sleeping Giant of which Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto spoke.

  3. It all started out when my son, 8 years old at the time, wanted to play baseball. So no problem, signed him up, got him on a team, and found out later, his coach was a cop. So I’m thinking, great, what does he think about me. I have long hair, scraggly beard, pretty much look like your average biker dude. A couple of days later, he comes up and asks me if I would help him coach the team. I asked why me? And he said because you are always here. So, I said, okay. A few weeks later, he found out I had bought a gun at a gun show. He came to my house, in his police car, in uniform to inspect my new gun. And all he could say was, ” when do I get to shoot it.”. So, long story short, my son never made it to the magor leagues, but 13 years later, my cop friend still gets to shoot every gun I buy. So yeah, I fully support our police officers, and if you take the time to get to know them, you will find out that they support you too. No matter what you look like.

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