That is horrific.  That is also your fault.



Apparently, this individual is a mouthpiece for white supremacism.

The goal is clearly not to reduce the amount of anti-Asian violence.

It is to allow anti-Asian violence to continue while using is as a political brickbat to bludgeon people on the Right.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “According to the Woke this is your fault”
  1. What that white chick is saying is she doesn’t think black people are fully human and capable of self-direction. She reserves that for white people alone.

    Yes, she’s a horrible racist.

  2. I heard some city official in San Fransicko (education?) referred to Asians as “house n****rs” and said they’re condemned for being too white, as well.

  3. “The goal is clearly not to reduce the amount of anti-Asian violence.

    It is to allow anti-Asian violence to continue while using is as a political brickbat to bludgeon people on the Right.”

    And this is surprising and/or out of character for the left in what way exactly?

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