By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Accurate meme”
  1. They should push this hard. Make as many people thunk that being super obese ok. Will thin the heard faster

  2. I know more than one guy that looks a bit big, with a gut and whatnot, that are insanely fit powerlifters. Hard as rocks. Every woman I’ve met like that pick above is soft and unhealthy. They’ve all had issues of some sort- diabetes, hypertension as well as various neurosis.

    Bodies are not designed to carry that load. I watched a fatty show where they showed how your bones bend from the weight over time. I know at least two guys that are in their 60s that are bent like this. One is still big, but legs bowed and knees shot. The other lost a ton of weight but now has a freakish stance and posture.

    You aren’t healthy at any size.

    1. I lost 40 pounds this Summer.

      I felt like a new man.

      I gained back 20 over the Holidays. I no longer feel as good as I did just 4 months ago. Five gone again this month. 50 more to go, and I will finally be on the heavy side of “normal” weight. I am going to lose the weight.

  3. Ever notice that you don’t see morbidly obese people in the Inner Party ranks? The Minitru may push “Big is Beautiful”, but the world controllers will still using the criteria of “one can neither be too rich or too thin” for female beauty.

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