This rant from a soldier in uniform:

This is a Staff Sergent, an E-6, a senior level NCO.

This is how much contempt our Progressive military has for us.

After watching this I’m very glad our new diverse, woke military is so bumble-fucking incompetent that it lost a war to illiterate men who pray-and-spray and  fight in sandals.

It means those of us who actually train with our weapons have a decent chance at victory.

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By J. Kb

40 thoughts on “Active duty soldier tells us that the Constitution will not protect us from her and her weapons so we better shut up and obey”
  1. OK, let’s be realistic here. The Taliban are disciplined, fanatical, ruthless, and patient. They are the product of a society in which everyone is fighting someone all the time, if not foreigners then the tribe over the next hill. They grow up in what we would call desperate poverty. They call it
    “ life.” They expect to die fighting. At least some of them want to. They’ve been doing this for three thousand years. And they have had outside support against us.
    Want to beat a modern military? That’s what it takes.

    1. No, Jack, all it takes is for the modern military leaders to set the ROE to keep the more than capable military from doing what they are trained to do, kill the enemy wholesale and destroy shit. Of course, when the fascists turn the remaining military against US citizens, our saving grace will be that most will be pantifa, against exmilitary, us. Just look back to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Iraq 2, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan.

      1. I’d be happy to be wrong. Note, though, two sayings:
        1. The enemy gets a vote.
        2.You don’t prepare for what you think the enemy will do; you prepare for what the enemy can do.
        Want inspiration? Three letters. IRA.

      2. EN2 SS is correct. The Rules of Engagement that our military has suffered under once Big Army and Congress got their way are ridiculous.

        Can’t shoot an unarmed man. After he drops the rocket launcher or gun he just shot at you with.

        Can’t shoot ‘civilians.’ In a place where, well, everyone wears the same clothing.

        Can’t shoot females and children. Even if the females and children are carrying weapons and ammo and are feeding the warfighter said ammo and weapons.

        Can’t shoot the guys, gals, children who are obviously planting mines and IEDs until the mines and IEDs are armed.

        Can’t shoot first. Even if it is #1 Scumbadadi Imaterrorista because, well, he’s not shooting, yet.

        Can’t toss a grenade into a room where you are receiving fire from, because it might hurt non-warfighters.

        Can’t just carpet bomb the f’in place, lay down herbicides, burn everything, turn it into a complete desert because that’s bad.

        If we fought WWII with today’s ROEs, half the nation would be speaking Japanese while the other half German.

  2. Not too concerned about that veiled threat, considering the messenger, and it seems she (correct pronoun?) underestimates who might be in the “good ole boy” network she so eagerly disdains – former military members (who likely had much tougher experiences when feelings weren’t priority over winning) and salty Patriots like myself who know how to run their gear.

  3. Take her example. She tells me to get in my house. I will, as long as she and her fellow troops are standing there. However, it’s a big country, and they can’t be everywhere. So, I will tell you how that will go. While she is standing outside of someone’s home, telling them to get inside, there will be someone INSIDE of her house. Killing her husband and her children. Or maybe her parents. Perhaps they will be killing the people who make your ammo, or a widget that your attack helicopter needs in order to keep flying.

    Every time you kill a citizen for not obeying your orders, you create other insurgents. That citizen you killed had a family. A spouse. Kids. Parents. Siblings. Someone who cared about them. Once you take that away from someone, they stop caring a hill of beans about yours. EVERYONE becomes a target.

    Be careful what YOU wish for, because a civil war is uglier than you can possibly imagine.

    The population of the US in 1860 was about 33 million. The last civil war killed more than1.5 million people, or about 5 percent of the US. Is this woman really itching to start a war that will kill 15 or 20 million people?

    I am. I would gladly sacrifice my life before I would wind up a slave in a military dictatorship, if her dystopian fantasy were to come to fruition. My only hope would be in taking as many with me as I could before they caught up to me.

    On top of that, do you see how happy and excited she got when she talked about suspending Constitutional rights? The rights she swore to uphold?

    1. They aren’t smart enough to understand those consequences nor can you teach someone something his or in this case her job requires they not know,

      Also the Right has thus far been very unwilling to engage in organized violence to a common purpose without the State so folks like her may well feel like it will never happen.

      If it does happen, 5% would be a blessing. USA 1861 was nation on nation with a Christian soldiery and rural.

      A modern war, with the people we have would be to the knife, knife to hilt would kill a minimum of 25% of the population, probably much more.

      Ultimately the Left and the Woke like this Sergeant must be scared to death to say things like this . Unprofessional conduct, chest pounding against a threat that as far as I know isn’t that serious.

      Best of my knowledge there aren’t .Alt Right or White Supremacist militias everywhere but again if there were, I wouldn’t know. :Loose Lips

  4. First of all, an E6 is not a senior NCO. At this point they pretty much give away enlisted promotions to anyone with the right skin color or reproductive organs.

    Second, this is just another reason I’ve lost respect for the military, as have most of the guys I served with. It was just POGs/Nonners/shoe clerks/etc. that we’d jokingly shit know, but at this point I don’t consider most of them anything but saboteurs.

  5. “Just following orders” didnt work out so well 75 years ago. It wont work out too well in the future.

    And she is so foooked – her winning smile and ‘command voice’ works for her subordinates. That glowing skin and bright white smile will stand out just fine in twilight and work for the insurgents in a different way.

      1. Sure she’s just saying what they’re all thinking, but she was dumb enough to say it out loud where the proles can hear it. They’re bound to be pissed she’s alerting the enemy before it’s time to move out.

        There’s a reason they made her delete it, and unfortunately I doubt it’s because they disagree with the message.

    1. Want to bet ten bucks on that? I say she does, look no further than her cretinous “leaders” in the pentagon hoe house.

  6. It would be an interesting conflict since the majority of toys that she thinks might be available for her use have been engineered, designed, developed and manufactured by the civilians she intends rule. The knowledge of how and why things work could make it possible for those systems, features and devices to fail to work and no longer be an advantage. Secondly she seems to have disregarded history, in the not to distant past a practice known as fraging had the capability of changing command structure when needed.

  7. Her Instagram page is @nuggets_n_chicken and she still hasn’t made it private. The comments on her most recent (and unrelated) photo are funny, she’s getting slammed mercilessly.

  8. Sad thing is she isn’t even wrong about what she is saying. The moment you refuse to go inside you are going to get arrested or ventilated or both. The same shit happened in Boston post marathon bombing except with the police and not martial law. No one did anything meaningful about that.

    What she says sickens me but she isn’t wrong about what would happen.

    1. Boston is a slave city though. They have been mostly disarmed. They are the modern Jews, who will gladly follow orders of tyrants.

      Try that in rural Tennessee

        1. Learn history. There was Jewish resistance, even in the camps. There were Jewish partisans, who often had to fight other partisans as well as Nazis. Read about the Irgun, too.
          Of course there are Surrender Jews today, even in Israel.
          They deserve contempt. But there are others. I’m one.

          1. Please explain how what you said means what I said is wrong.

            You cannot.

            Both can and do happen, and both are correct.

            If you believe because you live in a conservative location that government will not tread on you or actively enable another agency to do so, you are mistaken.

            1. I was reacting to your use of “ the Jews,” as if we were all helpless victims. No, I don’t think I’m immune to totalitarian actions. Nobody is. I just don’t intend to go quietly.

              1. I never said “the Jews” or made any reference to Jews in general, perhaps you mistook me for the prior posters comment?

                Regardless, here here! To the rest of your sentiments, I agree!

    2. Most would comply at first, some wouldn’t. If the military were to gun down American citizens on their front lawns, lots of people who otherwise revere the military will suddenly hate them. They act up, get shot. The cycle continues, only it keeps getting worse and worse. Where it ends is in a failed state/collapsed society. I pray our installed leaders aren’t reckless enough to ever deploy the military against Americans.

      1. The plot is lost; we are all going back and for about complying and not complying when that’s not even the argument or discussion we should be having.

        How did we get to this point that certain mil/le personnel so casually think it is ok to force you into your home or arrest or kill you for doing nothing more than standing outside and that regular people will agree with that exercise of authority and force!

    3. A friend suggested she is “telegraphing” that reality to us as a warning. Listen to her tone and inflections. He may be correct. And your comment validates that concern. She may be doing us a favor…

  9. Just another mentally disturbed woman who wished she was a dude and couldn’t take a punch from a 15 year old male.

  10. This loudmouth pile of SJW 5hit does not understand or appreciate partisans or ex-military or ex-LEO. And she/it can stuff that Barry Soweto Odildo as far up her/it’s Pelosi as she/it can push it.

  11. …and her Instagram is now private. The attacks must have been too withering, even for a proud, aspiring totalitarian like her.

  12. Little Miss Baddass has turned out to be an 88M . . . a truck driver.

    Most of her information (including her unit, where she’s stationed, and commanding general’s office number) has made its way online.

    Someone is going to get loved tenderly by the CoC and CID. Not necessarily for what she said, but for saying it in a public venue that brought heat down on to her superiors.

    1. A truck driver? That figures. It’s usually the REMFs and the desk commandos who come out as Constitution haters. Take Buttigieg, for example. Constitution-hating soldiers who’ve actually carried a rifle exist too (consider Rep. Auchincloss (D-MA) for example) but they seem fairly rare.

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