BUFFALO, N.Y. — A group of social workers, mental health professionals and concerned community members met outside Buffalo City Hall Thursday to denounce Mayor Byron W. Brown’s proposal for a new police unit that would pair officers with social workers on mental health emergency calls.

Brown first outlined plans for a behavioral health team Aug. 22.

On Monday – two days after a Buffalo Police officer shot and wounded a homeless man who has a history of mental illness – Brown announced the new team would begin next month.

A group of social workers, mental health professionals and members of Agents of Change penned a letter in opposition to that plan, which was sent to the mayor and Common Council members Thursday.

“While embedding social workers into police departments or having social workers accompany police on mental health calls may appeal to the general public, it is ineffective, unsafe and unproven to reduce police violence in mental health crisis situations,” said Nicolalita Rodriguez, a clinical social worker, during a news conference on the steps of City Hall.

Some social workers denounce plan to pair with NY police for mental crisis calls

Who is actually surprised that Social Workers and Crazy Docs would say, “Not only no, but hell no!”? There is a reason they have orderlies that look like NFK Fullbacks working in mental Health institutions: Patients can get very violent and force needs to be used to restrain them sometimes.

And I am sure that the idea of cops uploading funny videos of social workers trying to control a feces-covered  mental case holding a  2×4 and trying to play piñata with their skulls does not appeal to them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Activists want social Workers to take 911 calls. Social workers start to say “Eff That!””
  1. It always amazes me how the leftists have it “all figured out.” when in fact, they have not spoken to anyone about whether their plan will work at all.

    Then they act all kinds of surprised and defensive when it does not work out the way they imagined.

  2. I kinda want them to actually do it for a while, just so the people who are demanding this see how ridiculous it is.

  3. I will say that I think sending social workers and mental health counselors to suicide calls is the right thing, with police backup.

    The reason so many suicide calls end in shootings is the frequency of suicide by cop.

    Even police say don’t send them to suicide calls.

    That’s one area I can agree with the left on where cops make things worse.

  4. If they go along with this stupidity, I await a future incident where the social worker is taken hostage.

    1. I suspect that they would be soon demanding less lethal tools and training… then for body armor and firearms… and then they would ask for arrest powers and qualified immunity.

  5. Did anybody notice the *ONE* thing missing from these proposals?

    It’s the part where the speaker adds, “And, simply to be sure it’s being done properly, I volunteer for the trial program!”

    Instead, it’s the old sophomore game of “You need to do it {this} way!……..
    I’ll be over here, in the shade, while you do that.”

    1. Was thinking the same thing. Typical DemonKKKrats… they volunteer everyone else’s life/money/property but their own for their moronic shenanigans. SMH

      1. Yup. Normal person’s definition of charity: give some of your money, property, or time to another. Leftist definition of charity: give someone ELSE’s money or property to your friends.

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