Activists in Chicago are demanding that the Mayor of Chicago defund and the police.

So far this year there have been 278 homicides and three people killed by Chicago PD officers, clearly, the police are the greatest threat to black lives in the Windy City.

The Mayor of Chicago announced that she will work with community activists to reform the police department and their use of force rules.

We all know where this is going.  Straight to hell.

Cops are not going to risk their lives to protect a city when the Mayor is collaborating with anti-police activists to undermine them.

I suspect a lot of cops are going to be volunteering for armory and motor pool duty, or finding a lot of back paperwork on their desks that needs to get done, or figuring out some other way to avoid situations where they could get attacked and be hamstrung in their ability to defend themselves or fear that if they do the city government will throw them under the bus.

That leaves law-abiding citizens in a situation where they know that nobody is coming to save them.

The Mayor of Chicago has already considered that and has a warning for those people.

Don’t Take Matters Into Your Own Hands, Wary Top Cop And Mayor Tell Chicagoans After Days Of Looting, Shootings

Chicago Police were overwhelmed this weekend as people called 911 by the thousands in response to looting, vandalism and shootings across the city — but city leaders urged residents to remain calm.

“The Police Department was responding to these calls as best they could with a significant amount of additional resources on the South and the West sides,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said during a Monday press conference. “The challenge was it was everywhere. Everywhere.

“So if we had a police department three times the size it would have been difficult to keep up with the calls for service yesterday. Now, I know that’s cold comfort, but I want to be clear that we didn’t stand by and let the South and the West side burn as, unfortunately, some people are propagating. That’s just not true.”

“Obviously we’re aware of the fact that Illinois is a concealed carry state,” Lightfoot said. “Do not take matters into your own hands. Call the police.

“We’ve seen tragedy happen in this country, and recently, when people felt like they could take matters into their own hands. … Let me remind you of the killing of Mr. [Ahamud] Arbery. Do not pick up arms and try to be the police. If there’s a problem, call 911. We will respond. But I urge people to show restraint and do not take matters into your own hands.”

The police are overwhelmed.  They are not coming to save you.  But whatever you do, don’t use your legally owned and lawfully carried pistol to defend yourself.

I’ve stayed very far away from the Ahamud Arbery case, but I will say if someone breaks into your home, your apartment, our your business while you are in it, and starts attacking you, that is very different than chasing a guy down in the back of a pickup.

Mayor Lightfoot is coming at this from the perspective of many anti-gun Leftists that all defensive shoots by civilians are vigilante murder.

What happens when police who know that the city doesn’t have their back decided that it’s easier to respond to every 911 dispatch call with “car out of service” because they don’t have a duty to protect?  You try to defend yourself and the same powers that cut the cops’ legs out from under them go after you for taking matters into your own hands.

The only people who will be given a pass are the criminals.

That’s the Chicago way.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “After the cops go down, you’re next”
  1. Do not take matters into your own hands. Call the police.

    Call the Police, wait for a response, get killed waiting for the police who never arrive. Don’t worry, the police will eventually investigate your murder, with a 30% chance of solving it.

    Use your legally owned and carried handgun to defend your life, be arrested and charged with murder, pay your life savings to an attorney to keep you out of jail for the rest of your life, loose your future earnings in a wrongful death lawsuit by the assailant’s family. Talk about Hobson’s choice. And the citizens will still vote for Ms. Lightfoot.

    1. Dunno about Lightfoot’s longevity. Second City Cop has some speculation she was set up for a fall recently.

      1. Could be, but her replacement will be another leftist Democrat. Same song different verse.

    2. Perhaps the Chicago PD should follow the example of the NYPD and inform the mayor that due to urgent demands her protective detail has been reassigned to crowd control. While I have very little sympathy for corrupt police, I have even less sympathy for corrupt politicians blaming the police for their own failures of leadership and policy.

  2. Second City Cop (always a good source for news) recently asked (the definitive source of information on Chicago shootings) to research how many shootings there were between the latest officer-involved shooting in June and the last one, in March. The numbers are: Shot and Killed:170. Shot and Wounded: 802. Total Shootings: 972. Total Homicides: 185. But the police are out-of-control homicidal maniacs!

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