This is unethical to say the least.

Alabama doctor tells his unvaccinated patients he won’t see them any more

An Alabama doctor will no longer see unvaccinated patients in an effort to promote COVID-19 vaccinations.

“Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19,” read a sign on Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health Jason Valentine’s office door.

The physician said in a Facebook post, which included a photo of the posted sign, that his decision prompted three patients to ask where they could get their vaccine.

“No conspiracy theories, no excuses. Just where do I go,” Valentine wrote. “If they asked why, I told them covid is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that.”

Valentine further explained his reasoning in a letter he intends to send to patients, reported.

“We do not yet have any great treatments for severe disease, but we do have great prevention with vaccines,” Valentine reportedly wrote. “Unfortunately, many have declined to take the vaccine, and some end up severely ill or dead. I cannot and will not force anyone to take the vaccine, but I also cannot continue to watch my patients suffer and die from an eminently preventable disease.”

This is just an obscenity.

First of all, for most patients, especially young ones, COVID is far from a death sentence.

Moreover, does he do with with every decision a patient makes?  Does he refuse to see patients who don’t lose weight?  Patients who smoke? Patients who drink excessively?  Patients who have unprotected sex with multiple partners?

I guarantee that he doesn’t.

This has nothing to do with medical risks and everything to do we political prejudice.

Imagine the Woke mob that woukd attack a doctor who came out and said “I’m not going to treat male patients who go to clubs and have anonymous sex with other men because I can’t stand to watch you die of AIDS.”

Antifa would burn down his house.

The Left went nuts when some pharmacists refused to give out Plan B on account of religions believes.  And for the record I agree with the Left on this, a licensed medical provider cannot deny a patient medical care based on personal opinions.  That is the duty and obligation of being licensed, i.e., being granted a government monopoly, to practice.

Doctors are supposed to treat people regardless of personal factors.

That was the old ethical thought experiment I was taught.  A cop and a criminal are both brought into the ER.  They shot each other.  Who does the doctor prioritize for treatment?  The correct answer is: the one is worse condition.

This doctor needs to have their full weight of medical ethics boards dropped on him as a warning to other physicians.

You don’t get to withhold medical care from people who you don’t like politically.


This is illegal in Alabama.  The State AG better bust his ass.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Alabama doctor violating medical ethics for likes – Update: he broke the law too”
  1. You assume that “medical ethics” is still a thing.
    It’s an outmoded concept, like the Constitution or the Nuremberg Code.
    The moment Biden took office, the world changed forever. Now there’s a “public health” exception to everything. Soon, there’ll be a “climate crisis” exception, and a “political unrest” exception, and….

  2. Only a delusional individual would still think doctors are heroes. Some are, but most are just doing a job. No different than a plumber, engineer, or grocery clerk. It is a job with a large amount of education, and training requirements, but still just a job.

    And, here we have proof. A Dr. is just as human as everyone else, just as prone to biases, prejudices, and political sway. Why we listen to them as if they are incapable of error amazes me.

  3. This quack needs to have his license terminated for life, in addition to facing prosecution and jail time for violating the law.

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