Reader SBD left this very informative link in the post about the Konsberg Mass Murder event.

Kongsberg: Bow and arrow suspect known to Norwegian police – BBC News

Right of the bat, we have heard this crap in the title before (Parkland shooter rings a bell or two), but it gets idiotic after that.

Police had initially confronted the man six minutes after the attack began at 18:12 (16:12 GMT) on Wednesday, but he shot several arrows at the officers and escaped.

Wait, what? How the flock is that even possible unless the attacker was on horseback and the cops afoot?

The police chief said all five victims were most likely killed after officers first encountered him. (Bold is mine)

Oh hell, this is getting worse and worse. What the hell were the cops doing? Issuing strong language?

Police fired warning shots when the man was eventually arrested, but it is not clear if officers were armed when they first came across the suspect. Norwegian police do not usually carry guns on them – weapons are stored at police stations or in their patrol cars.

So we have an unarmed police force, allowed only to fetch their locked guns only after there is a clear violent incident because of reasons. Of course, the issue of innocent civilians being killed and injures is not truly relevant, the dogma policy must be maintained.

The attack was Norway’s deadliest since far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people, most of them teenagers, on the island of Utoya in July 2011.

They did not learn from that one, did they?

The attacker allegedly launched the assault inside a Coop Extra supermarket on Kongsberg’s west side. One of those injured was an off-duty police officer who was in the shop at the time.

When even the official “good guy” is not allowed to carry…

After the attack, police officers nationwide were ordered to carry firearms as an extra precaution, but there is “no indication so far that there is a change in the national threat level,

Something about barn doors comes to mind.

Sweet Jesus, if you wanted a vivid example of the failure of BLM’s Police forces castration and Gun Control, we could not have asked for a “better” demonstration.  A frigging bow and arrow?

Always carry.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Almost everything that is wrong with Liberal Anti Violence policies in one event”
  1. “Firing warning shots” is a standard European police practice. I read that phrase many times when growing up in Holland.
    It was invented by people utterly clueless about gun safety, because it means firing a bit over the heads of the people to be “warned”. Which means the rounds will strike someplace further away, who knows where or with what consequences.
    It’s documented that an errant .22 short can kill at 1/2 miles; it’s anyone’s guess what the 9mm rounds fired by these morons could do to innocent civilians.

  2. Meanwhile, authorities in Nottinghamshire are checking graveyards to see if noted outlaw Robin Hood has fled to Norway.

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