MIguel covered the excellent anouncement by Governor DeSantis the other day.

I’m going to fast forward to the relevant point he made.

This happened in St. Petersburg, Florida:


This is EXACTLY what the governor said he was going to go after.

Pass the law and nuke these fuckers.

Also, I should note that the Shofar is a tool of prayer.  It is a Mitzvah to blow the Shofar in celebration, such as on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.

For this person to stand there in Talit and blow a Shofar to harass people is an unbelievable heresy and a desecration of the Shofar.  I very much want to gently take his Shofar and Talit away and then viciously curb stomp him into a puddle of fucking goo.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Alright Governor DeSantis, your first target for tactical nuking just revealed himself”
  1. St. Pete is a yankee commietard refuge and packed with blue voters (mostly).

    Maybe now that they’ve been targeted by their own monsters they’ll vote differently? Stranger things have happened. 😉

  2. I can’t decide whether to be annoyed at them for not being savvy enough to find some way to include more black, hispanic and female officers in the group behind the lecturn to improve the optics, or to applaud them for not stooping to those same obvious and transparent tactics that annoy me so much on other occasions. It looks bad either way: either the police leadership is Florida is almost entirely white older men, or the only police leadership in Florida that they could get to agree to endorse the bill are older white men. Just saying, the left can and will use this as ammo to attack them. Surely there are many, many black police officers in Florida, and many of them who support this bill? But if these are the chief they have, then I guess it is what it is. Having that single black guy there just highlights the fact that he’s alone.

  3. Here is an article on the story:

    This is the new thing. Threaten and intimidate people who have absolutely nothing to do with what you are protesting.

    Note that one of them calls the woman “Karen” threatens to “knock your old-**s boyfriend the f**k out.”

    At this point, force on the part of the couple at the table is now authorized. They are in a bad situation, however. They are surrounded. Note the woman standing behind them. She is ready to do violence.

    I am not sure how to handle something like that. If they fight, they are outnumbered and in a poor tactical situation. If they run, someone will isolate them and attack once they are away from witnesses. If they make it to their vehicle, someone will get their tag numbers and dox them.

    Still, Florida is a swing state, these protests are unpopular, and these assholes are pulling more and more voters to Trump. Will it be enough to overcome the margin of cheat?

  4. “Not sure why they were targeted specifically.”

    Because they were senior citizens and less likely to fight back. Just like that ass that accosted the couple leaving the Trump rally.

    Hopefully the couple, every other patron, and all the staff vote in the direction that will stop this.

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