Once again our dear Sliding Into Oblivion Actress Alyssa Milano shows why Hollywood treat their women as disposable furniture:

That was yesterday and it would not have been so bad in her quest for the ultimate Trump Hate Tweet if it wasn’t because rather than trying to spend millions retrofitting buildings not designed to be hospitals, the president had announced 2 days earlier that the USNS Comfort was to be deployed to New York City and it is arriving next Monday.

That is a 1,000 bed hospital with all the goodies of a modern land-based brethren and staffed with 956 fully trained Navy hospital personnel.  And if that was not enough, it just finished having a full retrofit so basically what you have is a fully ready hospital that will start taking care of sick New Yorkers once it is anchor is dropped and the lines tied.

If Alyssa Milano wants to do something useful in this time of quarantine, she should do livestreaming strip teases and pole dancing in PornHub and have people send the dollar “tips” to their local homeless shelter. Other than that, she is pretty useless.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Alyssa Milano, please shut the heck up.”
  1. Ugh. :-/

    Bitch please. I don’t see you opening your ritzy 2+ million 3-story Beverly Hills mansion to the homeless or using a fraction of your 40+ million net worth to rent hotel rooms for the sick.
    So either step up or piss right off.

  2. My only complaint about the USNS comfort is that it and her sister ship the Mercy are retrofitted tankers.

    I want to build a fleet of nuclear powered hospital ships with more air medivac capabilities. Imagine a modified super carrier to be a hospital ship with the ability to maintain a small fleet of V-22s as shore to ship air ambulances.

    1. Except, that’s what the bad guys call a target. Better, I’d argue, to have a pad that can handle an Osprey as well as helos, but leave the aircraft servicing to another platform.

      1. A bad guy bad enough to attach a hospital ship would do so no matter how the hospital ship is constructed. But there is a simple answer to such people: nuke them till they glow.

    2. WP seems to have moved your comment. But Boris brings up a very good point, as soon as you create a flight capability you introduce the possibility of using the ship as a combat vessel. While the US is highly unlikely to be launching attack aircraft from the flight deck of a hospital ship, the bad guys ARE capable of saying “Well that aircraft had bombs on it! (Drop tank) We attacked the ship because it was a combat ship.” Remember, these are the people that put munitions and AA on and in hospitals all the time.

      The next thing to consider is the overhead of having a fleet of aircraft. If you take a look at the number of men that are required to maintain an aircraft and the number of men that are required to do flight operations and the pilots and crew, pretty soon you have a fairly large number, all of which require resources on the hospital ship.

      A simple LARGE helo pad will do what is required. A Seahawk should be able to transfer 2 to 5 people and I’m not sure that is the best helo for doing that transfer.

      While I would love to see a nuclear powered hospital ship, again we start dealing with security requirements and crew requirements to baby sit that reactor. There is a reason we don’t have nuclear powered cruisers or destroyers. The closest we got was the USS Long Beach (Decommissioned)

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