Trump is no longer President.  He’s not coming back.  Too many bridges burnt.

Why, after Biden was sworn in six months ago, are they going after him?

Because they are unserious people who are going to engage in the political theater of going after Trump.

We have direct evidence that the President was compromised by China through his son Hunter and House grandstanding star Eric Swalwell played hide the sausage in a Chinese spy.

But our government doesn’t care about anything but preserving the power of the party so they will impeach Trump again.

This is how Banana Republic and despots behave.  Show trials and political theater.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “America is dead, we live in a Banana Republic”
  1. It makes a good distraction from Biden’s incompetence at (insert issue here).

    (Which is to say, everything.)

    1. Indeed. They never have.

      And yet, that never seems to sink in.

      Oh, right … it just wasn’t done right by the last guys.

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