I suck.

I’m actually a very accurate shot.

I take pride in that.

I grew up in urban Miami.  The in the 80s and 90s most of the indoor ranges in Miami were homes to urban commandos of dicey character.

The public outdoor ranges were busy.

My dad was a lawyer so we had access to the local PBA range through the Florida Bar Association.

That range was set up for Police Pistol Combat (PPC).  I learned to shoot bullseye and PPC.  Slow and accurate from a fixed position.

When I switched to IDPA and USPSA years ago I never got over the precision aspect.

I want my two A zone hits touching.

So I move slowly.

I rarely drop points but I’m not fast and I don’t really push myself.

I see guys shoot stages in a third the time I do but shoot all B’c and C’s.

I stopped worrying about my ranking.

I did it once a month, maybe, and didn’t practice at home because I didn’t have a back yard I could shoot at or could afford the ammo with two kids.

I focus on the fundamentals.

Get the gun out of the holster, on target, for a first round A zone hit.

I’m there to have fun and to practice the skills that will give me a fighting chance in a gun fight.

If I come in, in the top 50% of shooters and did a little better than last time I’m happy.

I see guys show up with high speed gear, get smoked by some old fart who has been shooting for decades, and never return.

It’s fine to go to a match and not have a “competitors” attitude and ego.

Go as a way to practice the fundamentals and have a good time.

The moment you do that you’re miles ahead of the mall ninja (or cop or service member) who refuses to go to the range because he might get his ego bruised.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “An admission on competition shooting”
  1. “I suck.

    Suck at it. You are doing it, even though you, in your opinion, suck.

    In my experience, there is a learning curve for any mental/physical skill. It goes from total know nothing novice, to “Damn! I am good.” almost instantly. But… then you start actually competing. It does not have to be against others, but you start setting some kinds of standards to beat.

    And, you realize you suck.

    I find the “I suck” point is about where the learning curve transitions toward the horizontal. You started from zero, got to 80% or so relatively quickly. You had the “Oh, wow, I am pretty/really good at this.” moments, and now you are realizing how much more there is to learn. As you approach 90% your skill acquisition slows down. A lot. Every additional skill improvement takes longer and longer to achieve. That is the “I suck” point.

    I want to be at the “I suck” point with as many skills as I possibly can. If you are there with competitive shooting, you are among the best shooters out there.

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