A few definitions to start with:

First: Merriam-Webster defines empathy as

The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner
Also : the capacity for this

Second: what makes a psychopath or sociopath a psychopath or sociopath is a lack of empathy.

Thrid: Generation Z is defined as being born between 1996 and 2012, making them 7 to 22 years old.   I would be inclined to move the start point a little latter to incorporate people up to 25.  Nevertheless, the point is today’s early 20-somethings are not millennials, which technically I am.

It is Generation Z and the younger millennials, the ones who had Facebook when they were in middle and high school, that drive so much of the internet activism we currently see.

A few days ago I wrote a post, intended to be humourous, about an Instagram influencer who licked an airplane toilet seat.  I can’t think of anything more despicably Gen Z than someone being an “Instagram influencer.”

An Instagram influencer is just someone who gets paid to make other people feel bad about themselves for not living impossibly pampered lives in order to sell travel and visiting exotic lands as the newest form of conspicuous consumption.

When this Instagram influencer was asked about the blowback she received from her TikTok and Twitter post, her response showed just the depth of character that she has.

“So I licked a toilet seat on my sugar daddy’s private plane on my way down here to go viral because I fucking hate old people and it’s their fault that we can’t go to the beach and catch a fucking dick!” Ava Louise continued to explain to Marletta.

This is a young woman that has sex with an older man for access to his private plane and wealth, which she uses to travel and post photos online, which got her enough attention to get paid to advertise products in her photos.

She made an internet celebrity career out of having sex with an older man for money.

Also, she hates older people for some indiscernible reason.

She started a trend, the “Coronavirus challenge” which has other people in her age bracket licking airplane toilet seats.

This has resulted in the publishing of a headline that, I swear, was engineered to cause brain damage.

American gender-fluid sex worker shocks Twitter by filming themself licking an airplane toilet seat

The gender-fluid/non-binary movement really seems to be an outgrowth of identity politics and narcissism.  It’s for people who want to be called “brave” for “coming out” but without the work or lifestyle change of being trans.  The Left, Right, and even Boy George have said this.  There is nothing so self-centered as “nobody can define how special I feel, and you must call me something unique because of it.”

This overlaps with my post about narcissistic trans people who are angry that Coronavirus victims, people with aggressive metastatic cancer, and people with serious heart conditions get priority in surgery over their having dicks cut off or fabricated out of some extra thigh skin.

Furthermore, this just adds more fuel to my fire against the normalization of sex work by the Left.  In the modern, Western world, prostitution was a sign that an area had a tenuous grasp on civilization.  Brothels existed in the dangerous port cities, logging camps, and frontier towns, not in places where families were raised.  There is a reason “red light district” and “skid row” are synonymous with bad and seedy areas.  Even in Europe, which is supposed to be so enlightened, the brothels are not adjacent to the cultural centers.

Prostitution also affirms narcissism.  It allows a person to say “I can have an orgasm without having to worry about the feelings of the other individual.”  It takes something that is a unique human connection and turns it into a commodity.

Among those who could not believe their eyes were The Good Place-actress Jameela Jamil, who simply commented: ‘What…is…this…?’

‘Grimiestt’ responded to the British actress themself, writing: ‘a sex worker, working’.

If a sex worker, working is a person licking a toilet seat, then this is a ringing endorsement to make sex work a capital offense.

This narcissist desire for internet fame from an obscene internet challenge has turned her into a grotesque vector for infection.  particularly, since I assume she will go back to sex work where she will let men put their penises into the same mouth she just touched to a toilet seat.

The Instagram influencer’s quote also overlaps with another trend that I’ve been seeing.

Morbid ‘boomer remover’ coronavirus meme only makes millennials seem more awful

Spawned in the underbelly of Reddit, the nihilistic catchphrase has gained traction on all social media platforms, especially among savvy millennials who picked up on the fact that the COVID-19 virus seems to take aim at baby boomers, or those aged between 55 and 75.

Hence, “boomer remover” is now officially a trending meme.

Point of order, it is NOT millennials (at least older millennials) who are trending boomer remover.  It is Gen Z and the under 30’s that don’t have kids.

The popularity of Boomer Remover stems from the worst of Leftist politics.

Boomer Remover has since become a battleground for generational warfare on social media, frequently couched as a natural consequence of how the Baby Boomer generation has treated the planet or approached politics—either an unfortunate outgrowth of the more conservative brand of politics suggested by Baby Boomer voting demographics relative to Millennials and Generation Z, or a deserved comeuppance for damage done to the environment and/or social fabric.

Boomers are also more likely, or perceived to be more likely, to be Trump voters.

That Boomers support Trump, are not inclined to hand the world over the Socialism justified by panic over climate change, and good old fashioned envy, are justifications for the young Leftists’ hatred of Boomers.

The fact is that Generation Z has lived, by and large, the easiest life of any human beings that have ever lived since the Homo Sapien evolved as a species.

While I will not deny that every generation has its problems, and I have spent much time (especially recently) calling out the problems created by the McKinseying of the American economy, by and large, these young people know lower crime and more prosperity than any previous generation.

For literally their entire adult lives, they have had access to the entire knowledge base of humanity as their fingertips and they could have ordered just about whatever they wanted and had it delivered in 2 days or less.

Not to mention that most of the young people making this trend are from the more privileged class of young people.

This is little more than “me, me, me” narcissism.  The kids given everything are mad that their whims and unrealistic ideas are not kowtowed to so they want their parents and/or grandparents to die.

I don’t agree with my mother or mother-in-law on everything but I most desperately do not want to deprive my children of the time they spend with their boomer grandmothers, who they love.

It is as though a generation of young people, raised on social media and given everything their hearts’ desire, have ended up without functional empathy.

They lick toilet seats for fame, bully other people online over their desire to have special pronouns, demand that the medical community serve their feelings over the actual life-threatening medical conditions of others, have their political whims waited on hand and foot, and wish death on everyone who dares to disagree with them.

In some ways, the Coronavirus has brought out the best in people.

In other ways, it’s brought out the worst.

Among the under 25 age bracket, it only seems to be the worst.

I fear for the future of this nation when it falls into the hands of a generation of narcissistic sociopaths.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “An entire generation seems to have no idea how empathy works”
  1. All I can wonder is if the guy dating the influencer kicked her out, because I would never allow her to touch any part of my body after that. He can get better TAP and not worry about what horrible diseases she might give him.

    The gravy train would end right there, “You need to leave. Now”

  2. Imo people are no more or less bad, evil, retarded, sycophants, etc than they ever were. The internet simply facilitates and amplifies it, allows for novel ways to do it, and desensitizes you to it at the same time because it is a feedback loop.

  3. As you note, this is the first time these GenZers have had to go without something they wanted. At no point in their existence have they ever been denied. Want to go eat Thai? Not a problem if their favorite place is full, just go a few blocks to their second favorite. The nearest grocery store does not have their favorite organic free range almonds in stock, no problem the one three blocks away has them. Can’t get the newest toothbrush or razor locally? Piece of cake, it will be delivered in a day or two.

    And they somehow think their lives are tough, and they have it hard. I had it pretty easy when I grew up, but compared to these people, who are knocking boomers, I struggled. (And, no I did not have it all that easy growing up.)

  4. For some, it’s because they haven’t had a chance to become adults yet. They are still coddled and spoiled as babies are coddled and spoiled, and have come to believe that they deserve this kind of treatment.

    And it’s really nothing new for younger people to have a sheltered, narcissistic, solipsistic view of other people that almost borders on sociopathic. Part of maturing into adulthood is learning that one is not immortal, infertile, and invisible- and the world will continue fine without you. Or that the people you disagree with are also people like you are people- and also subject to the same pain, joy, and other human emotions that you feel.

    This maturing process often happens a few years after one has left the safety of the next, and has to deal with actual reality- the reality of working a job, taking responsibility, looking after a child, making a marriage work, being an adult. All these things lets one know that they aren’t the center of the world.

    But, soft times make for soft men, and soft men make for hard times. I suspect that this is the end of the soft times for a while. It may not be full boogaloo time yet, but the days of taking out massive student loan debt for six years of a useless degree, or the days of preference for fashionable disabilities are over.

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