As the 21th century historian, Miguel Gonzales, noted: “Normal People just about had it.”

This attitude ran strong in the undercurrent of society in the latter part of the twenty-teens.  It was this attitude that elected Donald Trump to the Presidency.

The mentality of the Political Left, which was more of a fundamentalist secular religion than a political moment, prevented the victory of Donald Trump to be properly evaluated and the Political Left to engage in much-needed introspection.  As such, they continued to advance their attacks on popular culture in a way that drove the “normal people” to madness.

One arena for this fight was over chicken sandwiches.

A fast-food franchise specializing in pressure-fried chicken sandwiches and waffle fries saw rapid growth in America at this time.  Chick-Fil-A was known for good food, clean establishments, and a level of customer service unparalleled in the industry.

It was founded by a religious Christian named Samuel Truett Cathy, and his son, Dan Cathy was chief of operations and later CEO.  In 2012, during an interview on an obscure talk show and later in a regional religious newsletter affirmed his belief in marriage being between one man and one woman, as per his religious values.

This lead to the accusation that Chick-Fil-A as a corporation was “homophobic” and “bigoted.”  Chick-Fil-A restaurants became the targets of bizarre protests and vandalism by Political Leftist activists.

The act of eating a Chick-Fil-A sandwich became a thoughtcrime.

Late in 2019, the Left scored their first major victory.  Little did they know at the time it was a pyrrhic victory.

As reported by the BBC:

Reading Chick-fil-A outlet to close in LGBT rights row

Gay rights campaigners called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A, which opened its first branch at The Oracle shopping centre in Reading on 10 October.

A spokeswoman for the centre said “the right thing to do” was to not extend the restaurant’s lease beyond the “six-month pilot period”.

The Oracle said: “We always look to introduce new concepts for our customers, however, we have decided on this occasion that the right thing to do is to only allow Chick-Fil-A to trade with us for the initial six-month pilot period, and not to extend the lease any further.”

Protests by activists over the franchise’s support of a Christian athletic scholarship and a home for troubled teenagers forced the mall housing that Chick-Fil-A to end their lease.  This was a severe financial toll on the individuals who invested in the franchise in good faith.

Reading Pride said The Oracle’s decision was “good news”, adding the six-month period was a “reasonable request… to allow for re-settlement and notice for employees that have moved from other jobs”.

But the organisation said it would continue to campaign against the outlet until it left.

The capitulation of the mall and the closing of the franchise was insufficient for the activists.  Their ideology drove them to make those who participated in the franchise, and those who chose to eat at it, suffer and suffer mightily.

The great 20th Century author, George Orwell captured the prevailing attitude of the Left in his magnum opus, 1984.

Always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

Having defeated the mall, the activists wanted the sensation of trampling on purveyors of chicken sandwiches for a further six months.

Soon after that, other Chick-Fil-A establishments were closed down.  Protests forced malls and property managers across the United States in terminate leases on existing restaurants or deny leases to new ones.

Previously in 2019, municipal airports had decided to deny leases to Chic-Fil-A.  this was predicated on the lie that since the franchise was closed on Sundays, it was unable to properly serve airport patrons.

After the victory in the UK, municipalities began openly discriminating against Chick-Fil-A for the corporation’s purported but nonexistent anti-LGBT bigotry.

New York City was the first to shut down Chick-Fil-A by denying franchises new or renewed Food Establishment Permits, claiming that the individual restaurants were discriminatory and that denying bigots operating licenses was just.

Once other cities began to do the same to appease the protests of the Leftist LGBT activists, things took a turn for the worse.

Leftist activists and partnered with Leftist politicians to create a legal protection racket.  Any business that operated and did not show sufficient deference to activist causes could be denied a license on specious charges of “discrimination.”

Business owners were bankrupted and their life savings were lost as they were forced to close by city government fiat or property manager cowardice.

Employees who were terminated were hounded from obtaining other employment because of their previous association with a discriminatory employer.

Very quickly, normal people just about had it.  In 2025, the violence began.

A protest against a bakery for not severely discounting wedding cakes for gay couples as a form of gay reparations was ended when the protesters came under fire.

That was the first shot of what history came to call The Chicken Sandwich War.

LGBT activists, who were once near orgasmic with the thrill of victory of stomping a small business owner into financial ruin, and their lackeys found themselves hiding for their lives.

The death toll from the war never amounted to more than a few thousand individuals.  Huge troop movements were unnecessary.  The Troubles of Northern Ireland provided a quality roadmap for early 21st century domestic warfare in relatively peaceful societies.

Most people did not want a war.  Americans largely avoided conflict.

Ironically this was the same attitude that caused the war in the first place, large business and small city governments capitulating to extremist activists rather than protecting the greater interests of a tolerant society.

People chose to invest in a franchise because it was a good financial decision, being part of a rapidly growing and profitable company.  The Left had turned this from a financial consideration to a moral one and assumed anyone associated with the business did so because they were bigots and driven by hatred.  The financial destruction of these franchise owners was part of their desired victory.

The activists were the squeakiest wheel of the days before the war.  When it was demonstrated that two normals – who had lost everything they had when their business was shut down at the behest of activists – with guns were a much greater threat to the cowards in business and government officials than a few hundred activists with posters, the destruction of business stopped.

The old adage goes “those who do not learn their history are doomed to repeat it.”

While this is true, it is not just necessary to know history, but the lessons of history, which is the goal of this work.

Capitulation to extremists activists does not make for a stable society.  Both businesses and governments need to understand that.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “An excerpt from History of the Chicken Sandwich War”
  1. I can see this happening in the uk. They are the nanny state supreme. We went by a chick fil this past friday around noon it was PACKED. Even the overflow parking was full

  2. Just a reminder people.

    Giving your enemy what they want does not make them your friend.

    Reagan understood this. Trump understands it. Obama actually thought the opposite, and there is not a single one in the democrat clown car that even remotely understands it.

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