Remember my post from yesterday about a very broken woman who threatened to divorce her husband if he voted for Trump.

Another woman commented in a way that is even more insane, if you can believe that.


If Trump wins – and the only way for that to happen is for him to cheat- than marriage as we know it today is over, and America will become some sort of patriarchal theocracy like Iran or Afghanistan where husbands own their wives and women can’t leave the house without a guardian.

So women better get divorces now before they become slaves.

Because Trump has the power to do that?

Husbands and wives will suddenly change their roles in marriage because Trump signed an executive order?

Because millions of men will look at their wives on November 4th and say “I guess I own you now” like that’s how men behave?

Because the only thing that kept this country from being The Handmaid’s Tale in 2016 when Trump was President and the Republicans held the Congress was instead of after his reelection was… I’m not sure?

But yeah.  Better get a divorce now before Trump cheats his way in again and every loving husband thinks that gives him permission to own his wife like an Orthodox Imam.

This woman is very, very broken.

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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “An extremely broken person”
  1. The joke out there about liberal women is: “Don’t stick your [bleep] in crazy!”

    The Bible is clear, a nagging wife is horrific to endure. Proverbs 21:19 “…better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.”

    If she divorces him, it would be regrettable as a failed marriage, but he will likely be far better off.

    1. You MISSED the death camps?? Wasamateryou? They were everywhere in CA. The fires are really to destroy the evidence before the election.
      I’m almost embarrassed to be of the female persuasion ?? with the current crop of crazy women.

      1. No, no, those weren’t the death camps.Those were the squalid, dangerous, terrifying prisons they were throwing Latino children into on the border, without decent food or medicine or supervision, overcrowded and full of sickness and death, little kids locked into cages and abused while the ICE goons stood around and laughed and kicked them in the head and make racist jokes about them. I know, because they described it all on NPR and MSNBC, and would they lie?
        The last I heard there had been FIVE children who had died while in custody! A horrific trail of corpses and brutality (all of them over the age of 16, btw). They didn’t mention the TOTAL number of kids these five came from (hundreds of thousands), nor how that compares to either the normal average death rate for kids that age in America, or the rate they would have suffered if they were still living in Central America of Mexico. Who cares about trivial details, FIVE CHILDREN DIED, and it’s obviously because they were so abused and neglected and maltreated. And of course since it’s impossible to give complete, perfect care to all 500,000 children in the facilities and with the budget we are given (since the leftist refused to increase ICE’s budget shortly before this), the obvious answer is that the kids must be all let free and placed into cushy, non-existent state run foster homes until their (also freed) parents (or those claiming to be their parents) can come and take over. And of course they will all need to be given Free Money to pay for expenses, and free health care afterwards.

  2. I’m in a same-sex marriage… Do I own my husband or does my husband own me?

    And when does Vice-Füher Pence send his strumtroopers to send us both to Camp Gay-A-Way? It’s been nearly four full years and, here I am, still running free and corrupting the youth with my Gay Agenda™️.

      1. Trick question! We have a pre-teen and an early teens aged daughters. Everyone knows they are the ones in charge. (Just ask them.)

    1. I won’t speak as to the “Gay Agenda™️”, but I can state positively that the Pride™️ movement, which claims to be the representative for the “Gay Community” is an openly leftist political organization, dedicated to bringing about socialism in the United States, and the deconstruction of traditional marriage, even social concepts like monogamy and exclusive relationships, to be replaced with a social system that is based on the looser, more casual relationships of the gay community, as well as the end of exclusive parential custody, to be replaced by state and “communal custody” of children, and various other radical ideas.
      I am not making this up, this is all straight from a man who was interviewed on NPR, indentifying himself as one of the founders of the Pride Movement (which they tried to associate with the Black and Feminist Civil Rights movements of the 60s, for greater legitimacy). This man considers the gays who advocated for Same Sex marriage to be Conservatives who “betrayed the movement” by choosing to demand inclusion in the existing structure, instead of it’s total destruction and replacement. This is what Pride wants, so as far as most people are concerned this is the “Gay Agenda™️”. And you’re not allowed to oppose it, since opposing Pride™️ makes you a bigot and homophobe (convenient for leftists, as always).
      Funny that most people wouldn’t normally consider Same Sex Marriage advocates as potential conservative allies, but when you put it that way, they begin to look positively appealing.
      Again, I didn’t make this up, this was all part of a very glowing and favorable inerview on NPR sometime in 2019, IIRC. They were bragging about this being their aim….although they’d probably call you a bigot and homophobe if you ACCUSED them of trying to accomplish this.

      1. The “Pride Movement” and “Gay Community,” of which you speak shouldn’t be confused the actual gay community or most organizations that organize local pride parades and related events. It’s all part of the grand Bolshevik Progressive tradition of glomming onto an existing community and claiming it as their own. See also the civil rights movement versus NAACP; the labor movement versus the AFL-CIO/UAW/IWW; the free speech movement versus the ACLU; nearly six millennia of Jewish culture and values versus Jewish Voice for Peace… and so on and so forth.

        It is true that a majority of LGBT people in the United States lean towards the Democrats. But, mostly, this is a legacy of the years when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson types were still influential voices in the GOP. As the GOP has begun to lean more towards its civil libertarian side of the Big Tent in recent years, this has begun to change.

    2. Anything but the gay agenda! /sarc

      These are all the same people who if they were on the right would have been the ones claiming Obama was moments away from enacting martial law and retaining the presidency indefinitely.

  3. The liberals and mainstream media (sorry to repeat myself) tried diligently to turn Trump into a boogeyman so that Hillary could win the election. (Despite her complete lack of accomplishments throughout her entire life).

    And, when Trump actually won the election, the belief that he is the boogeyman was completely and totally ingrained. He is the manifestation of every fear the liberals have. Women actually being a partner in the relationship, instead of being the superior? A ghastly thought. Trump will not only support a man’s right to agree or disagree with his wife, he will actually force the women into slavery to their husbands.

    Because… that’s what boogeymen do.

  4. When Trump won in 16, I watched w/ amazement as people were wishing ‘safety’ on a Turkish immigrant friend of mine because they literally thought that camps were going to be set up for muslims w/in the next few weeks because the media had been spreading so much hysteria.

    He and I had lunch the other day. Guess he escaped.

  5. Ironic that you post this here now, when just yesterday you posted a piece by a feminist which would guarantee exactly this result if her fantasies were ever attempted in real life. Namely a campaign of mass murder and terrorism against males as a group, which could only result in men everywhere turning on women as a class and imprisoning and murdering them, since they could never be sure who was a member of the secret group of Amazon terrorists. We’d end up with the Handmaiden’s Tale out of pure self defense.
    At least I think it was posted yesterday; it may have been an older post, I forget. I read it yesterday anyway.

  6. Consider the right-wing response to Kristi Noem’s “social distancing” vid. Gal in a position of power, out hunting? Fine by us!
    But somehow the faction that advocates arming women and training them to defend themselves also believes that women are property. Hm. Maybe the lefties are just making up positions to ascribe to those on the right?

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