I saw a Michelle Malkin tweet last night referring to Tsinelas and by the context, I sort of figured what it meant… and I was frightfully right.

My dearly mom had also the sniper badge when it came to the accurate throwing of chancletas (how we call them in Venezuela) and no manner of weaving or zigzagging on my part made her miss. The part I laughed the most (because it is true) is that the “death hit” was a square impact on the butt. Dear readers, I am not the most graceful person in the world, so I had my share of falls, cuts,  puncture wounds , hard impacts against solid objects and even one vehicular collision. Nothing ever hurt as much as mom’s landing a perfect hit on my ass.

The only “unreal” part of this video IMHO is that the culprits actually grab on mom to defend themselves. You are allowed to do blocking moves, but you never touch mom! I do believe pretty much it carries the Death Penalty to do so.

I sent the video to Blog Son and he is back in therapy. He shared the video with other past victims of tsinelas’ abuse and he had this to say:

A lot of us are unpacking trauma.

I know how you feel.

PS: In Venezuela, the flipflops are also called cholas so if you see me flipping back and forth in the future, rest assured I am still talking about the same evil instrument.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “And a much needed cultural funny: Tsinelas”
  1. I’ve only seen one of my siblings, one time, try to grab my mom.

    It turned into a hockey fight (My mom had her by the collar and was slapping full on in the face)

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