From Deadline:
In the wake of Gina Carano’s controversial social media posts, Lucasfilm has released a statement tonight, with a spokesperson saying “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”
The actress shared a Tik Tok post a comparison of the divided political climate to Nazi Germany.
“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” she wrote.
Well, that’s sad, and some serious bullshit.
I agree with her. I have made very similar points on this blog.
The first step in exterminating a people is to dehumanize them.
One of the comments made about Carano’s post was shown in the article.
as a jewish person, this is fucking vile and unnecessary. gina carano needs to be held accountable. the oppression my people have faced because of our religion and ethnicity is NOT the same as political disagreements.
— sarah ✡︎ slut! era ? (@amidalasivy) February 10, 2021
As a Jewish person, I find this other Jew’s opinion to be fucking vile.
Judaism is a religion. It is a culture.
It is vaguely tied to ethnicity, for instance, Ashkenazi Jews are Jews of central European heritage. Due to generations of segregation, some self-imposed, some due to ostracizing, we have some unique genetic characteristics, and some diseases are more prevalent in our lineage than in general for white people. Inbreeding does that.
I absolutely reject the idea that Jewish is an ethnicity for several reasons. First, there are Jews of just about every ethnicity, black Ethiopian Jews, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews, Sephardic Jews of Iberian and northern Mediterranean heritage, Chinese Kaifeng Jews, there is even a black Jewish community in Cameroon that traces its heritage back centuries.
To say that Jewish is an ethnicity, and more specifically Ashkenazi erases all other Jews. It also tells converts that they will never fully be Jewish because they are not ethnically part of “the Tribe.”
Lastly, I’ve gone on many times before, I reject the idea of “Ethnically Jewish” for those white Leftists who do not practice Judaism in any way, do not follow any Jewish principles or Jewish teachings, but use their “Ethnic Judaism” as victim status or as cover for anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attitudes towards Israel.
To be Jewish is to be part of a culture and to practice a religion, it is usually something you are raised to be from a child.
There are many subcultures in this country.
Gun culture is a subculture. In many ways, politics is a subculture. Being a Conservative, raised in a Conservative house, going to a Conservative Church, living in a Conservative state, being a Conservative isn’t just political affiliation, it is a subculture.
Attacking people for membership in their subcultures is fundamentally no different than attacking people for their religion. Just because it isn’t praying to a God, doesn’t mean a belief isn’t deeply held and a core part of a person’s identity.
Dehumanizing Conservatives to write them off as non-people who don’t matter and can be summarily dismissed comes from the same place, fundamentally, as dehumanizing Jews in the 1930s.
Carano is right.
But for saying that, she has been kicked out of The Mandalorian.
Honestly, the story arc with Baby Yoda really closed at the end of Season Two, so I’m not sure where they would take the show or how she would have fit into it, but nevertheless, this was an awful thing to do.
As a result #CancelDisneyPlus is the No. 1 trending Twitter topic.
Disney cowered to the mob and the fanbase is pissed.
I hope Disney realizes that cowering to the mob is a bad business decision.
Also, in regards to the accusation that Gina Carano’s post was antisemitic. As a member in good standing of the Jewish Space Laser Agency, I would be happy to absolve her of all charges of antisemitism with the ancient ritual of letting me motorboat them tiddies.
I’m so old I remember when comparisons to Nazi Germany were virtually required. It’s like it was just a month ago.
Carano’s post is absolutely correct. When I was a kid, that’s what we were taught as the reason for tolerance and acceptance. I guess the left doesn’t like having their behavior shoved bluntly in their face.
Oh — the camps weren’t just populated on ethnic lines. Political enemies were sent to be exterminated, too.
And Walt’s turning in his grave. Again.
They’re powering the parks off of Walt’s turning.
And just wait until they decide Main Street USA having 4th of July every day is “problematic”.
Of course. Remember that they already tried to have the Star Spangled Banner declared off-limits because of slavery. It didn’t succeed, not yet.
Called it. SMH
Hope this costs them a ton.
And, I hope everyone with any actual sense of history writes to Disney and tells them they are pissed off because of how they try to silence a historical fact because uneducated individuals got upset.
Or, we have reached the point where all historical references will require confirmation against the text of Howard Zinn?
Disney has already been on thin ice with Star Wars after the disaster of the last trilogy, The Mandolorian was rebuilding the fan base but it has been a war between those in Lucasfilm who love Star Wars and want to tell good stories and activist like Kathleen Kennedy who are happy to tank Star Wars as long as they can use it to tell the viewer how bad of a person they are and if you complain about bad story telling they you are attacked as sexiest or raciest.
Kathleen Kennedy has cost Disney billions , literally billions and the board of shareholders were furious but she hasn’t been fired or replaced. She spent decades in the film industry as a assistant building trust and connections and I strongly suspect collecting blackmail material judging how the Mouse hasn’t given her concrete shoes yet.
Disney bought Star Wars (and marvel) because some of the executives realized EVERYTHING they were producing was princess this and princess that, and they had NOTHING to offer boys.
So they let Kathleen Kennedy run wild with Star Wars, and until “Mandalorian”, the only story with a male primary character was “Solo” — and the prime mover in the plot was his girlfriend!
They’ve banked BIG on Star Wars — new lands in two parks, and an upcoming new hotel in Florida. The films were huge investments.
But it’s all turned to crap, because they couldn’t tell a pack of malcontent racists and politically obsessed nobodies “no”.
After Jon Favro stepped away from Marvel to try and save Star Wars the vultures swooped in. Marvel phase 5 has made the interesting choice of selecting nearly all female replacements. New Thor- female, new black panther- female, iron man replacement- female, add in captain marvel and the talk of replacing or minimizing of Starlord with his girlfriend this will leave Falcon and the Winter Soldiers as the only male characters since Sony took back their permission to allow Disney to use spider man(Originally Spider man was to be Iron Man’s replacement and the key to phase 5 onward)
I suspect Winter soldier will be retired soon once a female replacement is found.
I expect the next five years will be as disastrous for Marvel as the last six have been for Star Wars and Disney will lose billions more after torching another franchise as Marvel was already facing extreme challenges having retired most of its established and beloved heroes.
With Disney practically abandoning the parks in favor of Disney+ and all their bad decisions regarding the contact for Disney+ I expect we will see the biggest go woke go broke in history within the next eight years .
Considering Disney’s bad behavior in nearly all their business practices within the last several decades I would not be upset to see this if only for a fact expect Disney will probably be replaced not by new startups but by being bought up by another monopolistic mega-corporation.