Yes, we have somebody at the SHOT Show: Tom Walls. We are not going the old tired way of drooling over the new Germanic perfection, nooooo. Tom will bring us whatever catches his eyes and not everybody’s….yes, we can envy him.






From Tom:

“KINETIC CONCEALMENT. . it’s a new concealment holster. At first glance it looks like a CrossBreed brand but… When you look closely you will notice that the backing is not leather but neoprene bonded to the leather. Portion that actually hold the gun is it is robust with beveled edges .
there are two other cool things. First the hooks that attach the holster to the belt are adjustable for height. Secondly, holster and the clips are attached to the leather neoprene and packing with Boston screws. This lets the user adjust for height and can’t and they can be replaced if damaged. The manufacture states that the price will be $76.95.  One other thing I noticed that is different then the CrossBreed. On the range I’ve seen a lot of cCrossBreed holsters and invariably the leather sweat guard will lose its stiffness start to crawl over. This can interfere with reholstering
  The Kinetic Goncealment holster looks less likely to do that. We have been promised a sample.”
Also, Remington’s new gun never made it to Media Day where the cool kids get to shoot it and form an opinion.  After all the pre-SHOT drumroll, this did not sit well with the attendees.
Tom promises to send more stuff so we can cry on our keyboards.
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “And from our correspondent at the SHOT show…KINETIC CONCEALMENT”
    1. Our studies have found that the small surface area of the holster does not collect sweat enough to notice. If the holsters get sweaty simply remove the screws, and wash it. But we have not found sweat to be an issue in our studies.
      By the way thanks guys for the review!!

  1. I have used this hoster for a few weeks now and I LOVE IT!!! It is the most comfortable iwb hoster in the market. Home run!!

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